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High school seniors sneak into principal's house and spend the night there to prank her

High school seniors sneak into principal's house and spend the night there to prank her

Nearly 100 students piled into their principal's kitchen

Some high school seniors sneaked into their principal's house and spent the night there to prank her.

More than 70 students at St. Andrew's School in Middletown, Delaware, crammed into their principal's house for the epic senior prank and her reaction was absolutely priceless.

The boarding school principal was totally baffled by the ordeal and left in utter shock.

Check it out here:

The hilarious prank commenced last month (19 May) when the principal of the school, Joy McGrath, wandered into her kitchen at 6am only to find the entire senior class camping out there.

Donning an checkered bathrobe and yellow Crocs, Joy was left speechless when she saw the group of students and immediately dashed out the room.

Appearing moments later for a double-take, she told her students: "Good morning little bunnies," as a chorus of laughter erupted from the pranksters.

Recalling the moment, the principal told "I was in shock. They were in every possible corner like sardines.

"It took me a second to realize, 'This is a senior prank!'"

And it wasn't just the class of 2023 that pulled off the practical joke as Joy's husband, Ty Jones, was also in on the hysterical gag.

The principal was totally baffled by the situation at first.

Ensuring the whole operation ran as smoothly as possible, Ty left the front door unlocked so the lot of students could stealthily sneak in at 1am.

One of the students, KaiChun 'Austin' Chuang, who filmed the whole ordeal, told the outlet a little more about the prank and how he and his peers hatched the idea after their senior prom.

"Mrs. McGrath invited all of us over for breakfast at like 12am," Chuang explained.

"Someone joked that they wouldn’t mind going to bed right there in the living room. Then a couple of us glanced at each other like, 'hmmmm'."

And clearly, the seniors pulled it off without a single hiccup given her reaction.

"I can sleep through anything," Joy said.

Nearly 100 students piled into the principal's kitchen.

Before leaving her house and heading back to their own dorms, the class enjoyed a wholesome breakfast of doughnuts and coffee with Joy and her husband.

"Mrs. McGrath takes such good care of us," Chuang said.

"Whenever people have a problem, they feel comfortable talking to her. She works hard to build trust."

The senior prank has since gone viral after clocking up over 1.7 million likes on platform with nearly 10k comments from people eager to share their reactions to the side-splitting stunt.

One Instagram user wrote: "This is the teacher they will be still talking about in 40 years. Cheers to her!"

And a second commented: "And this is how you know that the teacher had a positive impact on her students. I love this."

"This is what you call a teacher that is making an impact and doing something right with our youth," praised a third.

"I love this," echoed a final Instagram user, "she is an educator of impact for sure!!!"

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@sasdelaware

Topics: Education, US News, Good News