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Woman shows her electric bill for over $11,000 and people are completely shocked

Woman shows her electric bill for over $11,000 and people are completely shocked

TikTok commenters were left wondering if she's 'powering an entire hotel'

A woman on TikTok has left people stunned after revealing her enormous $11,000 electricity bill.

As the cost of living crisis rages on, people are trying to find more ways to cut their bills and reduce their spending.

However, one woman was dealt quite a shocking blow when she received her electricity bill with an eye-watering figure.

In a video shared on 2 February, TikToker CJ – who posts content using the handle @calihollywood – she responded to another TikToker showing his low electricity bill.

She records herself declaring: “Tell me your landlord’s a piece of sh*t without telling me your landlord’s a piece of sh*t.”

CJ then unveils her bill, which comes to a staggering amount of $11,259.94.

The comments section soon filled up with bewildered questions as well as a few jokes from people who tried to make light of CJ’s electricity situation.


“Are you powering an entire hotel,” one person asked.

While another TikTok user declared: “Girl is powering all of east Texas.”

A third wrote: “Naw she lives at the power station with a bill like that.”

And a fourth asked: “GIRL HOWWWW. We need a part two. Because this should be illegal!!!!”

Other TikTok users were quick to point out that it may not be the landlord’s fault and could be due to the electric supplier and her meter.

CJ, on the other hand, quickly shut this down when a TikTok user asked how she knows the problem is down to her landlord.

When one person said ‘that’s on the electric company, not the landlord,’ CJ replied: ”It’s not. I’ve spoken to an electrician and the electric company several times. It’s an issue in the building. Stop d**kriding landlords.”


Someone else shared: “I’m so confused literally how and why and when could it be that much????”

CJ typed back: “Hopefully we find out soon.”

While another viewer shared a similar experience: “When we moved, my parents got hit with a $14,000 bill. They forgot to tell electric company we moved and new landlord did renovations.”

While a woman with a much lower bill wrote: “I’m a single woman barely home and mine is 545 for a month! Like I don’t even understand. Then they up my bill to 811 because they ‘didn’t’ bill me.”

Hopefully CJ gets to the bottom of it!

Featured Image Credit: @calihollywood/TikTok

Topics: Life, TikTok