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Dad shares firework warning ahead of July 4 after his son suffered horrific injuries

Dad shares firework warning ahead of July 4 after his son suffered horrific injuries

Nate Weston suffered horrific injuries after being hit by a firework in 2021, now his father is issuing a warning ahead of 4 July.

4 July is just around the corner with celebrations set to take place across the US in the coming days.

While plenty of food and drink is consumed to celebrate the beginning of the US in 1776, fireworks are also a popular celebration amongst family and friends.

Of course, we all know about the dangers surrounding fireworks, and common sense measures like stepping away from them as they are set to go off should always be abided to.

But even if that happens, accidents can still happen, as Nate Weston, then 17, found out while popping fireworks in his family's front yard for July 4 celebrations in 2021.

Now, his father, David Weston, has been recalling the incident where his son did 'everything right' when setting up the firework and immediately stepping back from it.

David Weston has issued a firework warning ahead of 4 July.

Speaking to KHOU, David said: "The firework never went up. It exploded in the tube. So what happened was, all the pieces went exploding. He instinctively went like this, to protect his face and his arm and wrist sustained the majority of the trauma."

Luckily, David is a paramedic and was able to treat his teenage son at the scene.

Blood was pouring out of Nate's arm, before he was rushed to hospital.

"The bones in his wrist were pretty much decimated. And the bones in his forearm were both broken," David continued.

Following the accident, it was confirmed Nate's arm would be permanently damaged, after suffering a broken forearm, a lacerated wrist and obliterating the bones in his arm.

For a month after the injury, Nate was forced to live with artificial skin over the wound before a graft could be executed.

The injuries have also left Nate with limited mobility and he also has problems lifting his wrist to much of a height.

Nate also suffers from PTSD and his injuries have ended his dream of joining the Navy at some point in the future.

Nate lives with the impacts from his injuries to this day.

Now, David has issued a stark warning to all who plan to have fireworks on 4 July, and has also become a prevention education coordinator at a local hospital to raise awareness.

He is now advising people against amateur fireworks displays you do yourself in the back yard, instead opting for a more professional way if you want to see fireworks this Independence Day.

"My advice is to leave it to professionals because you never know what could happen, even if you're being completely 100% safe," he said.

Featured Image Credit: KHOU

Topics: US News, Health, Parenting