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People Want America To Have Restrictions On Fireworks After Relaxed Party Goes Horribly Wrong

People Want America To Have Restrictions On Fireworks After Relaxed Party Goes Horribly Wrong

America, the land of the free. The land where you're free to nearly blow up your entire family, that is.

People are calling on America to introduce restrictions on fireworks sales after a viral video showed how things can go from bad to worse when you're not careful.

An absolutely outrageous fireworks explosion in the US was caught on camera by a SimpliSafe security camera.

The family, understood to be celebrating the Fourth of July, was seen sitting around in their front yard when some kids decided to light some patriotic explosives.

Keep in mind this happened mere metres away from the family gathering, which sparks a bunch of safety questions.

The firework popping off saw many of the people gathered on the front lawn run for their lives.

But just when you thought it was just one firework that was causing social media to be in an uproar, you'd be wrong.

As the smoke cleared and someone asked 'who did that', the collection of fireworks that was stupidly sitting next to the family car started going off as well.

That sent everyone properly running for cover as the explosives went the fourth of July.

The video has gone nuts on social media and has now prompted calls for fireworks to be restricted in the United States.

The terrifying footage has led to questions of firework safety.

One person wrote: "This is next level stupid. Oh, and absolutely typical. Ban firework sales to the public."

A second said: "Fireworks should be banned from general sale to the public. Organised displays only."

A third commented that fireworks are getting more dangerous over the years: "I agree [to ban] 100 percent.

"They are nothing like they were, certainly when I was a kid, where the worst you got was a burnt hand. They are nothing more than legalised bombs these days, that could quite easily kill."

SimpliSafe has spoken out on social media about the incident to deny it was a publicity stunt for their brand.

"We've received many comments and inquiries today about whether this was a planned event. We exist to protect our customers and don't make light of events that put their safety at risk," the company said.

They then called on the family to get in touch to confirm that they are all safe and well.

"If you are or know someone in this video please let us know if everyone involved is safe," they said.

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Featured Image Credit: Chode_of_justice/Reddit.

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