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16-year-old beauty queen defends marrying 65-year-old millionaire mayor

16-year-old beauty queen defends marrying 65-year-old millionaire mayor

The former Miss Teen contestant says 'we don't care' what people think

A 16-year-old high school girl who married a 65-year-old man says she doesn't care what other people think.

Former Miss Teen contestant Kauane Rode Camargo and multimillionaire Mayor Hissam Hussein Dehain recently got married in Araucaria, in the Brazilian state of Parana.

During the time of the wedding, her family members reportedly received jobs in the mayor's administration.

Although Dehaini reportedly quit his political party, he did not leave his post as mayor of Araucaria.

After the couple tied the knot on Wednesday, 12 April, Camargo reportedly shared a photo of the couple on social media, alongside the caption: "What matters, honestly... It's just that we don't care!"

The bride's mother, Marilene Rode, 36, was reportedly made the new Municipal Secretary of Culture and Tourism on 13 April, according to local media.

Aunty Elizangela Rode, was also said to have been appointed Secretary General Director at the City Hall on 1 April.

After the couple tied the knot on Wednesday, 12 April, Camargo reportedly shared a photo of the couple on social media, alongside the caption: "What matters, honestly... It's just that we don't care!"

Dehaini - who was getting married for the third time - happens to be serving his second term as mayor with 68.49 percent of the vote.

"We are happy. She does me good, and I do her good, and together we are not doing anyone any harm," he said.

The Mayor, who is said to be worth around BRL 14 million (£2.2 million), was once arrested on drug charges after allegedly running a Breaking Bad-style drugs refining lab.

He allegedly protected traffickers by arranging deals with the police.

However, charges were later dropped and Dehaini went on to become a successful businessman and politician.

In Brazil, marrying at 16 is legal with parental permission.

A 16-year-old high school girl who married a 65-year-old man says she doesn't care what other people think.

In 2019, Brazil passed a law banning the marriage of children under 16.

At the time, Cynthia Betti, National Director for Plan International in Brazil, said: “The decision to ban child marriage for under 16s is a hugely important step forward in the fight for girls’ rights.

“Child marriage is a deeply harmful practice that we know affects the lives of millions of girls here in Brazil and we have campaigned long and hard to achieve the outcome announced today.”

“There is still much to do,” she admitted. “In line with international human rights law, Plan International strongly believes that the minimum legal age of marriage should be set at 18 for both men and women, regardless of the circumstances.

“We must now redouble our efforts to raise awareness of the damage marrying off girls under the age of 18 does to their lives in the communities where we work.”

Featured Image Credit: Newsflash

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