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Zoe Saldana gives foul-mouthed response when asked how she juggles multi-billion dollar franchises

Zoe Saldana gives foul-mouthed response when asked how she juggles multi-billion dollar franchises

The Hollywood star gave an honest appraisal of how she managed to land roles on massive movie franchises.

Zoe Saldana has explained exactly how she manages to juggle the stresses and strains of being one of Hollywood's biggest stars.

When it comes to big names at the box office there are few more bankable than Zoe Saldana, who has starred in three of the five highest grossing movies of all time.

The actor is having to juggle her work in the Marvel Cinematic Universe on the Guardians of the Galaxy movies and the Avengers ensemble films with the return of the Avatar franchise more than a decade after the first record-breaking film from James Cameron.

On top of that are all of the other movies she's in, and her TV appearances including a starring role in recent Netflix show From Scratch, which has been getting rave reviews from viewers.

Meanwhile, they could also decide to revive the rebooted Star Trek movie series and bring Saldana back for another big hitter at the box office.

Zoe Saldana has been front and centre of a whole load of major movie franchises.
PA Images / Alamy Stock Photo

Getting to star in high profile movies has led to her joining yet more major franchises throughout her career and she's had to deal with the exhaustion and burnout that comes from the intensity.

According to Fandom Wire, Saldana gave a foul-mouthed explanation as to how she manages to juggle all the box-office busting franchises, the rest of the work she does and her own personal life.

She said: "It was a lot of working hard and a lot of [playing] hard that sometimes got in the way of me feeling fully, fully proud of the work I was doing - because I did the work.

"And now that I’m a little older and I would like to consider myself a little wiser, it’s going back to that having those healthy boundaries for myself of 'go to bed early, really work. I know you’re tired. I know you really want to go out and go with your kids and just say, 'f**k my rehearsal and f**k my practice and f**k this session'.

"But I don't. I still manage to focus on family life and also focus on my work. And I feel good."

Zoe Saldana has explained how she manages to deal with the workload.
Stills Press / Alamy Stock Photo

With the upcoming Avatar movies, the third and (sadly) final Guardians of the Galaxy film and any potential spin-offs or ensemble flicks to follow on from all of those Saldana could be kept very busy.

As for her advice, getting to bed early and setting good boundaries for yourself always sounds like good advice for pretty much all walks of life.

It's easier said than done, but making time for yourself and making time for your health will pay off in the long run.

Featured Image Credit: Image Press Agency / TCD/Prod.DB / Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: Celebrity, Film and TV