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Victoria Beckham Has Eaten The Same Meal Every Day For 25 Years According To David Beckham

Victoria Beckham Has Eaten The Same Meal Every Day For 25 Years According To David Beckham

David Beckham revealed the former Spice Girl will 'rarely deviate' from her usual.

Despite definitely being able to afford a whole range of fancy and extravagant meals, Victoria Beckham has apparently eaten the same dish pretty much every day for 25 years.

Don't get me wrong, there are certain foods that I'm more than happy to eat time and again and could probably eat every day for months, but years? That's a whole other ball game.

I've gone through periods of enjoying Cheerios every day for breakfast, only to have my streak broken when I remember just how good a well-buttered piece of toast can be, so I just find it difficult to believe that anyone could so staunchly stick to one meal every single day of their lives.

David and Victoria Beckham (Alamy)
David and Victoria Beckham (Alamy)

Of course, everyone has their favourite foods, and I'm not one to judge, but if I were Victoria Beckham I'd waste no time in trying all manner of delectable dishes. According to her husband David, however, she doesn't feel inclined to do so.

The football star spoke about his wife's eating habits during an appearance on the River Café Table 4 podcast with Ruth Rogers, explaining that 'since [he] met her she only eats grilled fish, steamed vegetables, she will very rarely deviate from that'.

According to Insider, the Beckhams first crossed paths in the Manchester United players' lounge in early 1997 before announcing their engagement the following year. They tied the knot in 1999 and have together welcomed four children – throughout all of which, Victoria has apparently been eating grilled fish and steamed veg.

David and Victoria Beckham (Alamy)
David and Victoria Beckham (Alamy)

David revealed there was one occasion on which his wife did share something that was on his own plate, and that was when she was pregnant with their daughter, Harper.

He described the event as 'the most amazing thing', adding, 'It was one of my favourite evenings. I can’t remember what it was but I know she’s not eaten it since.'

It seems that in spite of her musical history, Victoria isn't actually much of a spice girl, as has previously been emphasised by the revelation that her 'comfort food' consists of 'whole grain toast with salt on it'. No butter, though, as she apparently prefers her food to be cooked plainly without oils, butter or sauces, she said during her own appearance on the podcast.

Though Victoria doesn't seem to be very daring when it comes to food, David said that he actually gets 'emotional' about food and wine, so much so that he wants everyone around him to join in his joy when he's eating something great.

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Featured Image Credit: Alamy

Topics: Football, Food and Drink, Celebrity