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Rachel McAdams flaunts armpit hair after asking photoshoot to be edited as 'minimally as possible'

Rachel McAdams flaunts armpit hair after asking photoshoot to be edited as 'minimally as possible'

The actor says it's important to show the world what she really looks like.

Rachel McAdams has flaunted her armpit hair in a new photoshoot and she's asked for the editors to go easy on the final product.

The Mean Girls star wanted everyone to see the real her in an edition of Bustle, which was published earlier this week.

Just like Kendrick Lamar, the 44-year-old is ‘sick and tired of that photoshop’ and asked the team behind the shoot to leave her images untouched.

A note in the interview with Bustle states: "For Bustle’s photo shoot, she requested the images be edited as minimally as possible."

McAdams told the outlet there was a reason behind this request.

“With this shoot, I’m wearing latex underwear. But I’ve had two children. This is my body, and I think that’s so important to reflect back out to the world,” she said.

“It’s OK to look your best and work at it and be healthy, but that’s different for everyone.”

Words to live by, people.

As the actor was photographed in a glamorous black dress on a stunning red couch her armpit hair can be spotted.

In another powerful shot of the Wedding Crashers actor, McAdams is captured in a white tightly fitted dress where you can also see the little hairs underarm.

In a video posted for Bustle, the actor also shared some pearls of wisdom that she learned from her mother about self-care, like shaving.

Everett Collection Inc / Alamy Stock Photo

“Well, I’m going to give you the advice my — your mother — gave me,” she begun.

“‘Once you start, you can never stop', and I remember rolling my eyes about that, and thinking, ‘Ugh, that’s not the fun answer,’ but it’s so true.”

“Life is long once, shaving is intense, but if you’re gonna go ahead with it anyway, watch the ankle bones, the shins."

She added: “You’re gonna go to Bible camp and think it’s okay to shave without shaving cream, and it’s gonna be terrible.

“Always have shaving cream, and then if you want to stop shaving again one day, that’s okay, too."

Thanks for the hot tip Rachel.

This isn't the first time she's tried to be honest about life and her body in a photoshoot.

She posed for Girls. Girls. Girls. several years ago with a breast pump and a bondage-style bra, which she said had a beautiful juxtaposition of 'beauty, glam, fantasy, and then truth'.

Featured Image Credit: Mark Seliger/BUSTLE

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