Porn star Nicole Aniston has revealed some of the best and worst things about working in the adult film industry.
Aniston has been in the business for 15 years, during which time she's starred in hundreds of porn videos.
Like every job, being a porn star comes with its advantages and disadvantages, and Aniston has given some insight into what it's like being in the XXX space.

Speaking to UNILAD, Aniston shared: "From my own perspective, because that's the only version I can speak from, some of the best parts of being in the adult film industry is the aspect of having a variety of experiences that you would never really have that add a lot of insight into human consciousness."
"You learn a lot about yourself," she continued. "You can separate the work from true sense pleasure. You don't become wrapped up in it, and you can separate somewhat identities quite well."
Nicole went on to note that she feels like she's been 'successful' at separating the actor version of herself and true self.
"Almost everyone that approaches me in public because they recognize me is very normal and very friendly," Nicole continued. "I've never had one disrespectful fan [...], so that's been incredible."

Other perks of being a porn star include travelling and meeting new people. Nicole noted that she loves hearing people's 'unique and authentic stories about why they've gotten into the adult industry'.
Overall, the famous porn star says she's so far had a 'fruitful' and 'wonderful' experience in the industry.
Regarding the more negative side to the job, Nicole hailed herself as a 'homebody' so finds her travel schedule 'hectic' at times.
Speaking on having any personality conflicts with her co-stars, she went on: "I've had very few [bad days] on the job. Even if it's just a personality conflict (which it usually is), you can see that person is behaving a certain way because they're just sad, or traumatized, or fearful or whatever."

Before getting into porn around the age of 21, Nicole worked in what she described as 'corporate America' as a teller at a bank - something she strongly disliked.
"I truly don't believe I was built for a nine to five or for working for someone else," she told UNILAD.
Despite the current nature of her work, Nicole said she felt 'much more physically uncomfortable' working in her previous 9-5 role.
She explained: "There were prying eyes looking down my blouse, looking up my skirt, or making odd gestures or comments."
In comparison, her current colleagues are 'tired of seeing sex'.
"The directors don't even think twice to hit on you, which is great, because we're more interested in talking about what their wonderful wife made for dinner or what their dog's up to," Nicole shared.
Topics: Celebrity, Entertainment, News, Adult Industry