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Woman who only ate steak for six years explains how it helped save her life

Woman who only ate steak for six years explains how it helped save her life

Mikhaila Peterson appeared on Piers Morgan Uncensored earlier this year to discuss her 'Lion Diet'

Podcaster and blogger Mikhaila Peterson went head-to-head with Piers Morgan and claimed that only eating steak has saved her life.

While a balanced diet is recommended to supply the nutrients our bodies need, Mikhaila, the daughter of Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson, eats a diet that consists of mostly beef products.

Think red meat and mince, but she does sometimes push the boat out and treat herself to a steak soup too.

The social media star first embarked on her controversial ‘Lion Diet’ after suffering from juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, as well as chronic fatigue, depression and skin disorders for many years.

Due to the rare form of arthritis, she had to have two joint replacements when she was 17 and was told she'd have to continue to take Adderall and SSRI medication for depression.

However, 15 years on from her diagnosis, Mikhalia, now 31, decided to take her health into her ‘own hands’.

Speaking to Piers Morgan earlier this year, she said: “When I was 22, I realised that if you have issues in your life nobody other than you is going to fix them.

Mikhaila Peterson told Piers Morgan she has been eating a meat-only diet for the last six years.
Piers Morgan Uncensored/YouTube

“I used to go to the medical community because that’s what I’d learned to get help, and that wasn’t working for me.”

To get ahead on her health, Mikhalia told Piers, 58, that she’d gone ‘back to school’ to get a biomedical degree, but later dropped out.

“Long story short, I ended up only eating meat which I think is also kind of what helped people following me,” she explained.

When asked how long she had been eating her strict ‘Lion Diet’, Mikhaila replied that it had been a staggering six years.

The Uncensored host proceeded to ask the podcaster to ‘talk him through a day’s diet’.

She began by saying that she regularly eats strip loin steak for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and that she rarely eats fruit, vegetables or includes sauce with the meat.

She explained she had taken her health into 'her own hands'.

“You look like you’re bursting with good health,” Piers remarked. “I mean, what are the experts saying about this?”

In reply, Mikhaila revealed: “Depends on the experts but mostly ‘You should have died by now’ is usually the reaction I get.”

Speaking about the health benefits, she continued: “Oh my gosh, as a teenager I told you I couldn’t get out of bed and I had my hip and ankle replaced."

“I couldn’t walk,” Mikhaila explained. “So I mean my baseline was nearly dead so compared to that, I feel great.”

The 31-year-old claimed she 'nearly died' when she was younger.

She added that if she had to live off only one food for the rest of her life, she’d happily tuck into a plate of New York strip loin for every meal.

Since embarking on her meat-only diet back in 2016, the mother-of-two now has her own website,

She has also completed various TEDx talks and has become an Oxford Union speaker. Mikhaila works to explain her unique diet approach to the world to help others manage fatigue and pain.

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/Piers Morgan Uncensored / 10'000 Hours/Getty

Topics: Food and Drink, Piers Morgan, Health, US News