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Anna Wintour explains bizarre reason she’s banned certain foods from Met Gala menu

Anna Wintour explains bizarre reason she’s banned certain foods from Met Gala menu

Anna Wintour addressed some of the lesser known rules when it comes to the Met Gala

You might think celebrities play by their own rules but that's not the case at the Met Gala as there are plenty to follow - even when it comes to food.

When it comes to the star studded event that sees attendees pay $75,000 for access - yes, that is right - you would be forgiven to think the food menu would have just about everything under the sun with top tier chefs cheffing it up.

But there are still some rules regarding the food available and Anna Wintour, Vogue's ex legendary editor-in-chief, has given up some information about the event behind the scenes.

Anna Wintour explained some of the food rules. (Sean Zanni/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images))
Anna Wintour explained some of the food rules. (Sean Zanni/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images))

Speaking to Today host Jenna Bush Hager, while sitting in the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Restoration Lab days before the big event on May 6, the 74 year-old explained some of the food rules.

Wintour, who has led the annual fundraiser since 1995 addressed the rumors that there are cooking faves that are banned. Those three things are onions, chives and garlic, and if we are being honest, is it really a dinner meal without at least one of them?

“Well, those are three things I'm not particularly fond of, and so yes, that's true,” Wintour told Hager plainly.

There has also been talk that parsley is banned at the event to prevent any celebs having a red-faced moment, smiling to the camera with a bit of green stuck in their teeth.

But if you thought the rules stopped there you would be sadly mistaken.

Wintour, who has led the annual fundraiser since 1995 addressed the rumors that there are cooking faves that are banned.(Today/YouTube)
Wintour, who has led the annual fundraiser since 1995 addressed the rumors that there are cooking faves that are banned.(Today/YouTube)

The A-listers are also told that the event is a cell-phone free zone and encouraged to leave them at home to ensure that when they sit down with the other attendees they just get to talking.

“It's often wonderful to hear after dinner, people say, ‘Oh, we had the most wonderful conversations,’ and so that's the idea, that life can exist without a picture on your cell phone,' she added.

This also ties in to selfies not really being allowed, and this ban was introduced by Wintour back in 2015.

"The use of phones for photography and social media will not be permitted inside the gala," read a notice from Wintour.

There’s no doubt that this rule has been broken numerous times, and there's always one celeb who risks bringing a group of friends and their cell phone to the toilet for some very discreet selfies that later find their way onto Insta.

What is life without some rule breaking, eh?

Featured Image Credit: Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images / Neilson Barnard/MG22/Getty Images for The Met Museum/Vogue

Topics: Celebrity, Met Gala, Food and Drink, Fashion