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Mila Kunis’ latest bizarre hygiene habit has people divided

Mila Kunis’ latest bizarre hygiene habit has people divided

Mila Kunis lives with husband Ashton Kutcher and their two children, seven-year-old Wyatt and five-year-old Dimitri

Mila Kunis has revealed that her family has yet another unorthodox bathroom habit, and naturally, people have made their opinions known on the matter. 

You’ll remember when we all became unexpectedly obsessed with celebrities’ hygiene practices last year, after actor Jake Gyllenhaal confessed showering was something he found ‘less necessary’. 

Kunis was among those to come forward with their own admissions, with the star saying that she only bathed her kids if she saw ‘dirt’ on them. 

Now Kunis, who lives with husband Ashton Kutcher and their two children - seven-year-old Wyatt and five-year-old Dimitri - has explained there’s something else people might find a little odd about her family’s bathroom customs. 

Speaking to E! News, she said the ‘doors are always open in [their] house', including the one for the bathroom - something that has helped them all normalise 'bodily functions'.

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis earlier this year.
Everett Collection Inc/Alamy Stock Photo

Kunis added: “We have no closed doors in our house and that includes the bathroom."

“It’s just one of those where, for better or for worse, as a family and the kids have all kind of embodied bodily function as a very standard norm.” 

The star added: “I’d never thought that I would be the person that was able to go to the bathroom with the door open.” 

Kunis also went on to say that, even when they did close the door to the bathroom, it ‘never made a difference’ - as her family simply continued to knock on it ‘every two seconds’. 

She joked: “I was like, ‘Oh, forget it. Just keep the door open."

The revelation drew a divided reaction on social media, with some users saying it was ‘nasty’, while others went for the ‘who cares?’ stance. 

One person commented: “Weird parenting, but to each their own I guess.” 

Someone else said: “These two… are their careers that bad they have to overshare?? They don’t shower, they don’t bath their kids and now they don’t close doors! Just stop talking… please! Relevancy is not that critical is it?” 

A third wrote: “Sad world. A lot of people care more about whether or not random people crap with the door open or not. Who cares if they're famous.” 

Kunis said the lack of door has allowed bodily functions to become more normalised in her home.
Image Press Agency/Alamy Stock Photo

Another pointed out that sometimes having no door can be a safer option, writing: “Because if I fall on the shower people can rescue me without breaking my door? And we all poop and pee. It’s part of being human! Let’s stop pretending we don’t have needs!” 

One other also said: “California families don’t shut the door when they use the bathroom. It’s a cultural thing.” 

Kunis and Kutcher previously admitted to not bathing their two children every single day when they appeared on Dax Shepard and Monica Padman’s podcast Armchair Expert last year. 

In the podcast, Kutcher said that, that while he washes his ‘armpits and crotch daily’, he doesn’t wash anything else. 

He said: “I got a bar of Lever 2000 that delivers every time. Nothing else.” 

Kunis, meanwhile, noted that she does wash her face ‘twice a day’, and that Kutcher will ‘throw some water’ on his after a work-out, to ‘get all the salts out’ - with Shepard joking how the pair’s washing habits make them look like ‘water conservationists’.

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Featured Image Credit: Hyperstar/UPI/Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: Ashton Kutcher, Celebrity, US News