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Mike Tyson admitted he’d never let his kid hang out with Michael Jackson

Mike Tyson admitted he’d never let his kid hang out with Michael Jackson

While Mike Tyson and Michael Jackson were friends, the former boxer said he wouldn't have his kid hanging out with the singer

There's no questioning that Michael Jackson is seen by many millions as one of the greatest singers that has ever lived.

From tracks such as 'Billie Jean', 'Beat It' and 'Smooth Criminal', there's no wonder that many loved the late singer's music.

But since his death in 2009, allegations that Jackson abused youngsters came to light in the explosive documentary, Leaving Neverland.

The molestation allegations were brought forward by Wade Robson and James Safechuck in the doc, but the Michael Jackson estate dismissed the film as 'yet another lurid production in an outrageous and pathetic attempt to exploit and cash in on' the singer.

Since his death, allegations have come out against Michael Jackson.
Allstar Picture Library Ltd / Alamy Stock Photo

Despite that, everyone in Hollywood has seemingly weighed in on the topic since the allegations were brought to light.

For instance, singing legend Elton John described Jackson as 'mentally ill' and 'a disturbing person to be around'.

"I'd known Michael since he was 13 or 14," Elton wrote back in 2019. "He was just the most adorable kid you could imagine. "But at some point in the intervening years, he started sequestering himself away from the world and away from reality, the way Elvis Presley did."

Another celeb to speak out is boxing legend Mike Tyson, who was actually a friend of Jackson's while the singer was alive.

Despite that, Tyson admitted that he wouldn't let his son hang out with Jackson because of his 'reputation'.

Sitting down with Michael Rapaport on his podcast I AM RAPAPORT in 2019, Tyson said: "Michael has a reputation of this," as he was asked about the sexual molestation allegations.

He continued: "I have an eight-year-old kid — I wouldn't let Michael hang out with my kid.

"I wouldn't let my kid go over Michael's house — I love Michael. You know what I mean?"

In the same podcast, Tyson then turned the attention to his own 1992 rape conviction, saying he understood and respected people who said they wouldn't allow their daughters anywhere near him as a result of the charge.

"It's f*****, but I understand that, cause I would think the same thing," Tyson said.

Mike Tyson wouldn't allow playdates with the late singer.
Associated Press / Alamy Stock Photo

Tyson said he thinks that much of the blame actually has to be put on the parents, who should 'be responsible for that s***'.

Tyson concluded by saying whatever allegedly happened with Robson and Safechuck is wrong, "it comes across that these are guys just out to get some money."

He said of Robson and Safechuck: "What you're doing now is even wrong, coming out saying this stuff. It's wrong, it's wrong on both sides."

Leaving Neverland aired back in January 2019, and saw Robson and Safechuck detail the allegations against the late singer - which they say happened in the 1980s and 90s.

After its release, the Jackson estate filed a lawsuit against HBO and said the singer did not commit the alleged crimes.

Featured Image Credit: Associated Press /Allstar Picture Library Ltd / Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: Mike Tyson, Michael Jackson, News