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Margot Robbie says becoming instantly famous from The Wolf Of Wall Street was ‘pretty awful’

Margot Robbie says becoming instantly famous from The Wolf Of Wall Street was ‘pretty awful’

She revealed that her meteoric rise to stardom almost led her to quitting acting completely.

Margot Robbie went from the Australian soap opera Neighbours to international fame in a few short years.

On reflection, the Aussie it girl reckons it wasn't all that great.

In fact, the 32-year-old star revealed that her meteoric rise to the A-list was 'pretty awful'.

The actor shot to fame thanks to Martin Scorsese’s The Wolf of Wall Street.

But in an interview with Vanity Fair, she says she wasn't ready for the world's attention to be fixed firmly on her.

"Something was happening in those early stages and it was all pretty awful, and I remember saying to my mum, 'I don’t think I want to do this'," Robbie said.

"She just looked at me, completely straight-faced, and was like, 'Darling, I think it’s too late not to'."

Robbie and Leonardo DiCaprio in The Wolf of Wall Street.
Paramount Pictures.

Robbie added: "That’s when I realised the only way was forward."

Despite growing up in Dalby, a small town in rural Queensland, Robbie was quick to learn how to navigate Hollywood and her new status as Los Angeles' new bright, young thing.

"I know how to go through airports, and now I know who’s trying to f**k me over in what ways," she told Vanity Fair.

Despite feeling unprepared for stardom, Robbie is a force to be reckoned with and has been from the beginning.

Scorsese told Vanity Fair of his leading lady for The Wolf of Wall Street: "Margot is completely grounded and instantly commanding. She enters the frame and you pay attention to her."

The movie is based on the story of controversial stockbroker Jordan Belfort, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, with Robbie playing Naomi Lapaglia, Belfort's second wife in the film.

Even though she was a new face in Hollywood, Robbie proved in her first major film that she was a force on set.

She pushed to have a full-frontal nude scene in The Wolf of Wall Street in order to preserve the integrity of the film.

Robbie and Leonardo DiCaprio in The Wolf of Wall Street.
Paramount Pictures.

Speaking to The Telegraph in 2014, aged just 23, she said: "I think nudity for the sake of nudity is shameful. If they've put it in just so that a girl gets her top off, then that's disgusting. And you can always tell.

"But I also think it's disgusting when someone would have got naked in real life, in the film they conveniently leave their bra on, or hold up the bed sheet. Seeing someone being choreographed into being covered up irritates me just as much."

She continued: "The whole point of Naomi is that her body is her only form of currency in this world. So when Marty [Scorsese] was trying to help me out, and said in the scene where she seduces Jordan perhaps I could have a robe on, I said she wouldn't. She has to be naked."

Robbie added: "She's laying her cards on the table."

Featured Image Credit: Paramount Pictures.

Topics: Margot Robbie, Film and TV, Australia, Entertainment