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Lili Reinhart Calls Out 'Disgusting Ignorance' From Celebs Who 'Starved' Themselves For Met Gala

Lili Reinhart Calls Out 'Disgusting Ignorance' From Celebs Who 'Starved' Themselves For Met Gala

Riverdale star Lili Reinhart said she can't believe that people 'starved' themselves to get into their get-ups for the Met Gala in New York

Lili Reinhart has taken aim at celebrities who ‘starved' themselves to fit into costumes for the Met Gala, claiming that they’re sending a negative message.

While the Riverdale actor didn’t go as far as to name any names, it seems likely that she’s referring to Kim Kardashian, who admitted that she had went through a rapid and weight loss regime in order to fit into Marilyn Monroe’s famous ‘Happy Birthday, Mr President’ dress for the star-studded event in New York.

Clearly, 25-year-old Reinhart wasn’t impressed and wrote a series of posts on her Instagram Stories about it.

To start with, she wrote: "To walk on a red carpet and do an interview where you say how starving you are... because you haven't eaten carbs in the last month...all to fit in a f**king dress?

"So wrong. So f**ked on 100s of levels."

Kardashian wore an iconic dress once worn by Marilyn Monroe.

Reinhart went on: "To openly admit to starving yourself for the sake of the Met Gala.

“When you know very well that millions of young men and women are looking up to you and listening to your every word.

“The ignorance is other-worldly disgusting."

This online outburst comes after Kardashian told Vogue that she’d had to drop 16lbs in only three weeks before the event in order to get into the famous Monroe gown.

Kardashian explained how she couldn’t fit into the dress at first, so decided to take some fairly drastic measures in order to get into it.

Kim said: "It was this or nothing.”

She went on to describe how she ‘would wear a sauna suit twice a day, run on the treadmill, completely cut out all sugar and all carbs and just eat the cleanest veggies and protein’ so that she could strut the carpet in the iconic garment.

"I didn't starve myself, but I was so strict,” she added.

However, this hasn’t stopped Reinhart being troubled by the message that Kardashian sent out with that interview.

Reinhart has appeared at the Met Gala in the past.

She continued: "Please stop supporting these stupid, harmful celebrities whose entire image revolves around their bodies.

"I am not generally an angry person but I swear to god, the toxicity of this industry sometimes really gets to me."

Reinhart herself attended the Met Gala in 2018, 2019, and 2021, but didn't attend the glitzy bash this year.

She’s spoken out before about the standards that Hollywood sets for people and their self-image.

In March this year, she said on Twitter: "Reminder to myself, and to all—you don't need a flat or perfectly toned stomach to wear a crop top.

"These ‘summer body' trends are toxic. Your body is ready for summer no matter what it looks like.

“Don't let it stop you from enjoying anything."

She’s also admitted to her own thoughts about her body, writing how she dealt with ‘obsessive thoughts’ about her weight and image, stating that it got ‘pretty severe’.

The Riverdale star has spoken candidly about her own body image struggles.

She wrote on her Instagram Story: "It's challenging to look at your body with love instead of criticism.

"It's a practice I'm still learning.

“I didn't think being in this industry, that is so obsessed with women’s bodies and weights, could ever mess with my own body acceptance and positivity…but it has.

“I wish I hadn't grown up in a time where the media worshipped only one size of women."

Lili concluded: "It's heartbreaking that this feeling is understood by so many of us.

“Let's continue to talk about it. Normalise it. Empathise with others.

“Show compassion and kindness."

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Featured Image Credit: Alamy

Topics: US News, Celebrity, Kim Kardashian, Film and TV, New York