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Joe Rogan has a wild theory on age humans from this generation will live to

Joe Rogan has a wild theory on age humans from this generation will live to

In a recent conversation with comedian Theo Von, the podcaster suggested that humans alive today could live a very long time

Joe Rogan has had some outlandish takes on topics as diverse as Covid, cancel culture and inflation in recent times.

The podcaster's latest bold claim concerns the ageing process, with Rogan predicting that humans alive today could live to be a very long time thanks to scientific advancements.

Those familiar with his hugely popular Spotify podcast, the Joe Rogan Experience, will know that he often ponders what the future has in store for humanity.

In previous conversations with billionaire Elon Musk, who has appeared on JRE several times, the pair have expressed concerns over the role AI could play in the coming decades and centuries.

However, in spite of such worries, he now claims that humans will soon live for a previously unimaginable period of time.

During a recent conversation with comedian and friend Theo Von, Rogan asserted that new technologies and scientific research will expand life as we know it significantly in the future.

"Do you think we're supposed to live as long as we are, or do you think mother nature is like f***, these people are hanging out too long?" Von asked the podcast host and UFC commentator during episode #1847.

"I don't think there's no supposed to" Rogan responded.

"I think if biologically we're supposed to live roughly to be 100 years, if everything goes great, if everything goes perfectly, you live to be about 100 years."

"But I think that with modern science, and our understanding of genes and hormones and telomeres, and all the different anti-aging technologies they're working on right now, we're probably talking right now to people that are gonna live to be 150-years-old".

While purely speculative, and very presumptuous, there is merit in what Rogan says.

The Joe Rogan Experience is one of the world's biggest podcasts.

A 2021 study published in Nature Communications places the maximum life span for humans 'at somewhere between 120 and 150 years'.

This backs up Rogan's suggestion, who also stated: "I think you're seeing people if you meet a guy and he's 30-year-old today, that guy is probably gonna live to be 150".

"That's crazy!" Von responded, who has his own podcast called This Past Weekend.

"Well people have lived to be 120, that's a rare thing, but there have been some women that have reached 120," Rogan added on last week's show.

Once again, the 54-year-old is right to point out that some women have indeed lived to be over 120.

The oldest women ever - whose age has been fully verified - is Jeanne Calment of France, who died at the age of 122 back in 1998.

By comparison, the oldest known man was Jiroemon Kimura of Japan, who lived to 116.

While both records are very impressive, it's possible that new technologies could enable scientists to slow down the ageing process significantly, to the point where the 150 year mark is eventually broken.

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Featured Image Credit: Credit: YouTube/JRE Clips

Topics: Joe Rogan, Film and TV, YouTube, TikTok, Spotify, Science, Technology