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Jennifer Lopez responds after wedding video of her singing to Ben Affleck is leaked

Jennifer Lopez responds after wedding video of her singing to Ben Affleck is leaked

The singer has set the record straight

Jennifer Lopez has responded to a leaked video of her singing to Ben Affleck at their wedding.

Although the pair were legally married in July, they decided to celebrate their nuptials with a huge bash at Affleck's Georgia mansion last weekend.

As part of the celebrations, it appears J.Lo - who is now technically named Jennifer Affleck - serenaded her new husband with a rendition of a love song which included the lyrics, 'Can't get enough of you'.

In the clip, the singer was seen donning a white dress with backup dancers dressed in black, while the Gone Girl actor sat in a chair and enjoyed the performance.

It's currently unclear who leaked the footage, but when it appeared online some people suggested it might have been part of a marketing ploy.

However, Lopez has since set the record straight by replying to an Instagram post that speculated whether this was the case.

She wrote: "This was taken without permission. Period. And whoever did it took advantage of our private moment.

"I don't know where you all are getting it from bc we had NDAs and asked everyone not to share anything from our wedding. That is our choice to share.

Jennifer Lopez shut down the suggestion that they had leaked the video as part of a marketing ploy.

"Anything I put out private is OnTheJLO and it's ready to share w my fans. Which I will do when I am ready to.

"This was stolen without our consent and sold for money. Thank you for caring I love you guys."

The original post by a J.Lo fan page, which said that some 'people say it's marketing', has since been deleted and replaced by Jennifer's comment.

"Out of respect for Bennifer and their private moments, I deleted the previous post," they wrote.

"We love you Jennifer and we hope you will quickly find the guy who sold this material to TMZ."

Fans have flocked to the comments section to criticise whoever leaked the clip, including this person who said: "Obviously one of Jennifer's close friends did this. This is really sad, heartbreaking and scandalous.

"Jennifer already sends the pictures she wants to share with her fans via Mail. If something like this is done to me, I will find that person and end my friendship. I have no doubt that Jennifer will do the same."

The couple celebrated their wedding with a weekend-long bash.

Others offered up ideas on how to catch the perpetrator, with one writing: "There is a girl directly across the dance floor also taking a video. Contact her and see who is in her footage.

"Love seeing their love but private moments shouldn’t be shared without their consent."

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Featured Image Credit: On The JLo/REUTERS/Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: Jennifer Lopez, Ben Affleck, Instagram, Celebrity, Music