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Grey's Anatomy star makes retirement U-turn by launching GoFundMe for movie project

Grey's Anatomy star makes retirement U-turn by launching GoFundMe for movie project

Isaiah Washington is hoping to make and star in a biopic about Bass Reeves with the help of his fans.

After announcing he was pulling the plug on his entertainment career last week, Isaiah Washington is now trying to revive it with the help of his fans.

The disgraced former Grey's Anatomy star, 59, released a lengthy statement on Tuesday (28 February) to tell his 199,000 followers that he was putting an end to his career for good.

Isaiah Washington was fired from Grey's Anatomy in 2007.

“It is with a heavy heart and a sense of relief that I am announcing my early retirement from the entertainment industry today,” he tweeted.

His farewell message implied he wanted to use his free time to travel the United States.“I will be traveling this great country before it falls into Socialism and then Communism.

"Until then, know that this Frederick Douglass Conservative will keep his powder dry and loves you all! I am truly grateful for your support over the years."

Washington signed off by plugging what was thought to be his final movie. “It looks like CORSICANA #CorsicanaMovie may be the last time you see me as an Actor born here in America," he declared.

Washington is now planning to return to acting.
MediaPunch Inc / Alamy Stock Photo

However, there may be another film project on the horizon for Washington after he announced a GoFundMe page for donations to help fund a $1 million independent movie project.

"After seeing the incredible positive response to my recent announcement of retirement from the entertainment industry on social media, it became clear that I have been operating outside of the traditional Hollywood system successfully for the last 15 year's," he wrote.

Washington explained that if five million people donate a dollar each, he will have ‘more than enough capital’ to fund his film project, which will tell the story of Bass Reeves who was one of the first deputy US marshals of African descent.

In case it wasn’t already clear, Washington intends to play the lead role should he get all the funding he needs for the film.

“I’m asking for an initial 1 million dollars in support and my ultimate goal is 5 million,” he wrote. “I have never asked for help or financial support like this in my life or career."

As of Sunday (5 March) has accumulated $10,689 worth of donations and is still quite a long way from reaching the $1m goal.

Washington was fired after he reportedly referred to his his co-star T.R. Knight a 'f****t' during an on-set argument with fellow Grey's actor Patrick Dempsey in 2007.

Featured Image Credit: LANDMARK MEDIA/Alamy Stock Photo/therealisaiahwashington/Instagram

Topics: Film and TV, Celebrity