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Influencer says she has a 'deranged' stalker who flew across the world to kidnap her

Influencer says she has a 'deranged' stalker who flew across the world to kidnap her

Alexandra has had a horrific experience that forced her to flee her home

An influencer claims she has been forced to flee her home after a 'deranged, delusional stalker' flew to Bali to try and find her.

Alexandra Saper, 31, boasts more than 102k followers on Instagram with her travel and women's empowerment content.

Five years ago, she moved from her home in Washington DC to Bali, and had built a beautiful life there for herself.

Now, though, she has essentially had to go into hiding after a man allegedly flew from London to Bali and threatened to 'kidnap' and 'rape' her for not replying to his hundreds of messages.

Saper says she has been dealing with a stalker for the last year.

In a video for fans who had wondered why she stopped posting all of a sudden, Saper explained her nightmarish situation.

The influencer told followers: "For the last two and a half weeks, I've been targeted by a deranged, delusional stalker, who has flown across the world from his home in London to Bali, threatening to find me, kidnap me, rape me, shove me in a suitcase, tie me up in his Bali villa, rape other women while forcing me to watch out of 'punishment' for not reciprocating or obeying or responding to him."

She explained that she had never met, spoken to, or replied to this man, who has sent her 'hundreds of emails and video messages over the last year.'

Every time she tries to block him, Saper says her 'stalker' makes a new account so he can keep track of her whereabouts.

Things went from creepy to genuinely concerning when Saper received emails from her 'stalker' with his flight details and photos of him in Bali near where she lives.

She says she has also been sent six months worth of videos of the stalker 'threatening in graphic and horrific detail the physical and sexual violence he intended to commit' against her.

Saper has met with dozens of officials about the stalker, including the police in Indonesia and the UK, UK and US embassies, police chiefs, immigration officers, and the US ambassador.

"I've had friends and followers in the US and UK reach out to contacts higher up in the government and law enforcement to try to get some help," she shared.

"And so far what I know is that the investigation is still ongoing. And that's all I can say."

As a result, Saper says she has been experiencing panic attacks for the first time, and can 'no longer go anywhere alone or stay at [her] house'.

Saper has had to flee her home in Bali for her safety.

The influencer no longer goes out in public or spends any time alone, but is making it her 'full time job to get help'.

She pointed out that law enforcement seemed more concerned with cleaning up crimes that had already been committed than preventing ones that were about to occur, and that both men and women had 'gaslit' her and told her she was being 'paranoid'.

Saper added that she has 'never really experienced fear in [her] life' thanks to her privilege, which is the reason why she has been 'able to go on so many adventures' alone - but this experience has shaken her to her core.

"Women are so often dismissed as being fearful, dramatic, overreacting, silly, attention-seeking," she said in the video.

"Our intuition is shut down as ridiculous or weak or hysterical, until something horrible happens."

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@thewayfaress

Topics: US News, Crime