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Fans Praise Seth Rogen For Wearing Acrylic Nails And Platinum Blonde Hair

Fans Praise Seth Rogen For Wearing Acrylic Nails And Platinum Blonde Hair

Fans described Rogen as a 'king' as he showed off his new look

Fans have described Seth Rogen as 'amazing' and a 'king' after he shared a video of himself showing off a new platinum-blonde hair style and lengthy acrylic nails.

Roles in films like Knocked Up, Pineapple Express and Superbad have never done much to depict Rogen as a particularly boujee person, but that perception changed when he sported some of the fiercest nails going.

Some fans were initially left confused at who the nails belonged to, with the clip at first showing only the orange acrylics patterned with pink spots, however it soon became clear that Rogen had undergone a manicure.

See his new look here:

In the clip, shared on Rogen's Instagram, the actor could be seen grinding weed and rolling a blunt with both precision and ease. This isn't a particularly unusual sight for Rogen, but it's made all the more impressive due to the fact he's doing it all with lengthy nails stuck on the end of his fingers.

Anyone who's ever had acrylics will know they can take some getting used to, but Rogen appeared to be an expert as he quickly secured his blunt and began smoking it.

After taking a drag, the actor, with his new short, platinum hair, tapped the blunt on an ashtray covered in the same pattern as his nails and announced 'gloop is back – in lilac and orange'.

The announcement related to the Gloopy Ashtray product sold by his company, Houseplant, which is set to be released to the public in two days' time.

Fans described Rogen as a 'king' when he showed off his nails.

Fans were quick to flood the comments section after Rogen shared his video online, with many praising not only his new look but also the impressive dexterity he showed off with his nails.

High School Musical actor Vanessa Hudgens wrote: "The fact that ur rolling these w them nails is the most impressive to meeeee [sic]," while another Instagram user commented: "I can't even roll a good joint with regular fingernails."

"Love the nails and your new hair-do," said a third.

On Twitter, another fan responded: "The nails, the hair, seth has my heart."

This might be the first time fans have seen Rogen create a blunt while wearing acrylics, but he's obviously a fan of matching his nails to his weed paraphernalia, as he did the same in April when he revealed a green and blue version of the Gloopy Ashtray.

I'm sure having matching nails isn't a necessity to buy the product, but Rogen has proved it does look pretty epic.

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Featured Image Credit: @sethrogen/Instagram

Topics: Seth Rogen, Drugs, Celebrity, Instagram, Viral