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Dylan Mulvaney posts video celebrating 500 days of 'being a girl' and addresses controversy

Dylan Mulvaney posts video celebrating 500 days of 'being a girl' and addresses controversy

She's marked 500 days of 'being a girl' and shared some of the things she'd learned in that time

Dylan Mulvaney recently posted a video to TikTok celebrating 'day 500 of being a girl' and decided to share an update with fans.

She explained that she'd recently scaled back her content because putting out the content she wanted to make meant she'd have to 'subject myself to a lot more trauma'.

However, since it had been 500 days since she'd publicly come out as a woman she wanted to talk to her fans and give them 'a little catch up' on some of the things she'd learned between days 365 and 500.

Mulvaney said that on day 387 she learned to be less trusting, describing herself as someone who used to be 'the most trusting and giving person' but that had 'definitely changed'.

Now she's learned that 'trust is something that should be earned and not just instantly awarded.

On day 398 - which perhaps not coincidentally is April 5, 2023; around the time Mulvaney was receiving transphobic backlash for her Bud Light partnership - she learned what 'misery loves company' meant, and said she'd rather share the joy than pain.

The influencer was celebrating 'day 500 of being a girl' with her followers.

Day 402 taught her the benefits of setting comments on Instagram to followers only, and told her fans that if they saw unkind comments there it was from people who had decided to follow her.

A crucial lesson came on day 408 as Mulvaney said she 'learned who my true loved ones are' and praised the transgender community for coming through for her in the last few months.

"I gave myself and my identity to people who didn't deserve it, and then the trans and queer community was there to pick me back up without pity," she said, having previously said it wasn't good to receive messages of pity.

"Thank god for that, thank god for them. Thank you."

The influencer also said she'd learned that trying to be 'pretty' and 'quiet' wasn't the way she wanted to go as she'd rather use her voice and set an example for everyone.

While she was celebrating day 500 of being a woman, Dylan Mulvaney said it was actually 9705 as she'd always been a woman.

There were plenty more days of great importance which she explained in the video, which she posted to TikTok but she rounded out the list by dedicating day 500 'to my younger self, who didn't get to celebrate so many awesome discoveries'.

The video has picked up over five million views and had a whole load of reactions, including more than a million likes.

Plenty of people commented to offer their support and well wishes, including from some who'd been following her journey since day one.

Lots of people shared messages of love, someone said they line 'pain is limitless but so is love' really stuck with them and even the official account for The Sims joined in to celebrate '500 days of Dylan'.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/dylanmulvaney

Topics: Dylan Mulvaney, Celebrity, TikTok, Transgender, LGBTQ