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Dwayne Johnson surprises fans as he crashes celebrity bus tour

Dwayne Johnson surprises fans as he crashes celebrity bus tour

The Rock gave a Los Angeles tour bus the ultimate surprise as he pulled up beside in his pick-up for selfies

Usually, when you go on those LA celebrity tour buses, you don’t actually expect to see any proper celebrities.

More commonly, you’re going to be driven around to see their houses and favourite hangouts – maybe even a coffee shop they once ordered at.

But on one - very rare - occasion, this group of tourists had their trip gatecrashed by a celebrity. And a big one at that.

Watch for yourself below.

Dwayne Johnson himself gave a tour bus the ultimate surprise when he pulled up beside them.

The Rock shared the video on Instagram, where he rolled down the window of his pick-up to say hey to his fans.

“How you guys doing? You guys good?” The actor asked as bus of people filmed him in disbelief.

The Moana actor then joked: “You guys go to my house yet?” And as they said no, he added: “Ok, good. Keep it that way!”

Ever the gentleman, Johnson even got the bus to pull forward so fans could get a better snap with him in the background.

Driving away with a smile on his face, he said: “That was fun. That kind of stuff is some of the best parts of fame right there.

'Gotta get the selfie'.

“That, making their day and free s**t, getting free s**t is some of the best parts of fame.”

Racking up over 19 million views for the kind exchange on Instagram, the Rock added in the caption: “Tour bus surprises.

“I’m like a big kid, I get so much joy outta these ‘holy s**t’ moments and seeing my people’s faces.

“Not too many pick-up trucks rollin’ around my hood so I think ‘look out for the Rock’s pick up’ is becoming part of these tour bus attractions.

“Happy folks. Love to see it.”

He called the encounter one of the 'best parts of fame'.

Johnson isn’t one to shy away from making big surprises. Over the summer, he surprised a UFC fighter with a house.

After Themba Gorimbo won over Takashi Sato at UFC Vegas, he announced he planned to auction his fight kit to help fund building a new water well in his native village in Zimbabwe.

The fighter had been sleeping on a couch in the back of his gym and had just $7 in his bank account before the win.

And The Rock was very moved by his story, flying over to Miami to surprise him.

He took the once-homeless fighter to his new home and said he is ‘honoured to play a very, very small role in your $7 bucks journey’.

What a legend.

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@therock

Topics: Dwayne Johnson, Celebrity