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Chris Pratt compares Jesus’ struggle with how he deals with haters

Chris Pratt compares Jesus’ struggle with how he deals with haters

Pratt has also been linked to the controversial Hillsong Church, although the Guardians of the Galaxy actor denies he is religious.

Chris Pratt has compared himself to Jesus in a, um, rather bizarre new interview.

The Guardians of The Galaxy star spoke about his faith as he promoted the new film, saying people also hated the religious figure.

But it's not the first time the 43-year-old actor has spoken about his new-found faith.

Despite insisting that he is ‘not a religious person’, the Marvel actor has faced an intense backlash in the past after he allegedly attended a service at the Hillsong Church.

The religious group have come under fire for its reportedly homophobic stance and has faced a number of controversies, including allegations of misconduct which led to the founder resigning.

Although Pratt denied he had any links with the church, the actor did admit that he’d attended a church that ‘opens their doors to absolutely everyone’.

During an interview with Men’s Health last year, the comic actor did reveal that he believed in a ‘very real God’ but was frustrated that religion had been used to oppress people.

Chris Pratt was linked to the controversial Hillsong church.
Marvel/Disney/Jessica Miglio

He told the publication: "Whatever it is. The evil that’s in the heart of every single man has glommed on to the back of religion and come along for the ride."

Since then, the actor has been increasingly outspoken about his religious belief and has even compared himself to Jesus in a recent interview.

At a recent screening of the MCU movie, the Guardians of the Galaxy star compared himself to Jesus as he spoke about the hate he’d receive.

When asked about the backlash by Page Six, he told the tabloid: “I sure do but that’s nothing new, that’s nothing new, you know?”

Quoting scripture as he explained, the actor continued: “If I was of this world, they would love me just like that but as it is, I’ve chosen out of this world. That’s John 15:18 through 20.”

Whilst most people would have stopped after quoting The Bible, Pratt wasn’t quite done making his point.

The actor recently compared himself to Jesus Christ.
PictureLux / The Hollywood Archive / Alamy Stock Photo

Clearly taking his cue from The Beatles, the actor then compared himself to Jesus.

Referencing the religious figure as he said: “That’s the way it is, nothing new, 2,000 years ago they hated him, too.”

Though everyone else might not be too impressed with the comparison, one person will at least understand what the actor was getting at – his wife Katherine Schwarzenegger.

According to a recent interview, she met the former Parks and Recreation actor during a service in Hollywood, with Schwarzenegger calling the moment ‘sweet’.

Well, that’s one way to win someone over.

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@prattprattpratt

Topics: Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Guardians Of The Galaxy, Chris Pratt, Film and TV, Celebrity