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Britney Spears Announces She's Pregnant With Third Child

Britney Spears Announces She's Pregnant With Third Child

The star shared the happy news with fans on Instagram

Britney Spears has announced she is pregnant, saying her fiancé Sam Asghari originally believed she was 'food pregnant' after a holiday in Maui, only for a test to reveal what was really going on.

Sharing the happy news with her fans, Spears wrote on Instagram: "I lost so much weight to go on my Maui trip only to gain it back... I thought 'Geez... what happened to my stomach???'

"My husband said 'No, you’re food pregnant silly!!!' So I got a pregnancy test... and uhhhhh well... I am having a baby."

The singer said the baby has been 'growing', adding that she might '[lose] it' with excitement if '2 are in there'.

Spears also said she planned to avoid the paparazzi while pregnant, speaking about the toll perinatal depression has previously taken on her.

Instagram/Britney Spears

She continued: "I obviously won’t be going out as much due to the paps getting their money shot of me like they unfortunately already have… it’s hard because when I was pregnant I had perinatal depression.

"I have to say it is absolutely horrible... women didn’t talk about it back then... some people considered it dangerous if a woman complained like that with a baby inside her.

"But now women talk about it everyday... thank Jesus we don’t have to keep that pain a reserved proper secret... This time I will be doing yoga every day!!! Spreading lots of joy and love!!!"

Spears, 40, already has two children - Sean and Jayden - with ex-husband Kevin Federline.

However, last year she revealed that, after being placed under a conservatorship in 2008, she had not been allowed to have children.


She told the court: "I want to be able to get married and have a baby. I was told with the conservatorship I was not able to get married and have a baby. I have an IUD in my body right now that won't let me have a baby and my conservators won't let me go to the doctor to take it out."

When the conservatorship ended in November 2021, one of Spears' close friends said that getting pregnant was high on her agenda, with former make-up artist Billy Brasfield telling Sunday People at the time: "Getting married and having a family is something they will absolutely do. And for them it won't be a ­moment too soon.

"If they want to wed ­tomorrow and have a baby in nine months it won't be a rush. They have been ­together five years. They've been through so much together and survived the worst - things most people can't even imagine.

"Now Britney has what she wants and can move forward. Everything is there. Her life is about to start and she doesn't have to answer to anyone."

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Featured Image Credit: Alamy

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