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Ashton Kutcher reveals why there was a huge rift between him and his twin brother

Ashton Kutcher reveals why there was a huge rift between him and his twin brother

The actor opened up about the heartbreaking reason behind the fallout and the moment that helped bring them together.

Ashton Kutcher has revealed tensions between him and his twin brother caused them to fall out.

While brothers all over the world fight and make up all the time, the issue plaguing the Kutcher siblings is a heartbreaking one.

The actor sat down with brother Michael for an interview on The Checkup with Dr. David Angus.

Fox News says it's the first time the two have held a joint interview and Entertainment Tonight has published a short teaser of the interview.

Ashton explained how he felt guilty as his stardom was rising in Hollywood while his brother was living with cerebral palsy.

Michael was born with the condition, which affects a person's ability to move and maintain balance and posture.

The That '70s Show star said it was a strange moment in his life.

"How do I get to be this lucky? And for my brother to be born with cerebral palsy, then have a heart transplant, then have this random blood clot," Ashton said.

"These things where you’re like, ‘Who has to go through that? How do I get to be this lucky?'"

Michael also admitted he held feelings of jealousy at seeing his brother lead a very different life to him.

This situation between the two brothers saw their relationship fall apart.

However, there was a moment when Ashton was living in New York City as his career started to kick off that changed everything.

The actor explained how they had an incredible and confronting conversation about their relationship.

"Mike came out to visit and stay, and he looked at me and he said, ‘Every time you feel sorry for me, you make me less,'" Ashton recalled.

"He said, ‘This is the only life I’ve ever known, so stop feeling sorry for the only thing I have.’

"And that then created an entire shift back to where I think we are today, which is straight up equals.

"That’s it."

Michael Kutcher has become a keynote speaker as well as a disability and organ donation advocate.

He's become an inspiring voice and has 'raised awareness for local and national fund raising initiatives', according to his website.

The interview for The Checkup with Dr. David Angus will premiere on Paramount Plus today on December 6.

Featured Image Credit: Paramount Plus

Topics: Ashton Kutcher, Celebrity