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Warehouse robot collapses after working for 20 hours straight

Warehouse robot collapses after working for 20 hours straight

This is how we wind up with an uprising of artificial intelligence, people. Seriously, come on.

Life can be tough when you're a busy robot and trying to meet constant deadlines while working on the factory front line.

It's even more brutal when you're a robot that has been made to withstand as much time as possible.

Well, let us introduce you to Digit.

Digit is the motorised moving jumble of bolts and wires that was put to the test.

And, to be fair, Digit put in some bloody hard yards during the 20 hours it was hustling along and demonstrated all of its neat tricks and circuitry wizardry to those present.

Alas, those who caught the end of Digit's demonstrations probably raised an eyebrow or two.

After all, Digit did sort of collapse. Like, down for the count.

However, the AI firm boasted a massive 99 per cent success rate for tasks carried out by warehouse bot.

What an industrious little guy.

Anyway, the robotics company explained they implement a multi-purpose approach when it comes to robotics.

"We started with scientific breakthroughs and layered on top of that world-class engineering," they said in a press release.

"We approach everything with a focus on function. Our robots were designed from day one to do work and get the job done."

Agility Robotics tweeted the video in April, confirming the busy bot completed over about 20 hours of live demos and took a couple of falls on the chin while carrying out its duties.

Vice president of communications at Agility Robotics Liz Clinkenbeard revealed to AP that they wanted to demonstrate how a rad robot like Digit will pick themselves up and carry on when the chips are down.

"We wanted to show that Digit did fall a couple times, that it’s a normal part of any new technology, and it’s not a big deal," she said.

When Digit falls, it’s usually due to a software bug or a sensor error.

"Sometimes it may need a repair; rarely something that takes more than 15-20 minutes,” she added.

"We do want to be careful about not over-humanizing a machine or ascribing intent.

"While Digit looks something like a person, in reality it is a computer that can do physical work, and it’s following a program."

The video of Digit falling over has since been shared on social media.

The clip has prompted some rather off-color jokes about the robot's welfare.

Some of the social posts about Digit suggested the industrious AI took its own life as a result of low wages and repetitive labor.

Clinkenbeard said that while they did expect to see some gags in response to the clip, 'we don’t think it’s appropriate, ever, to joke about suicide'.

Featured Image Credit: Twitter/Agility Robotics

Topics: Robotics, Technology, Artificial Intelligence, News