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Expert reveals reason why UFO sightings increase around Christmas time

Expert reveals reason why UFO sightings increase around Christmas time

Is it Santa and the reindeer? Or a festive alien? Or have you simply had one too many Christmas sherries?

Experts have revealed why there's 'a slight uptick' in UFO sightings during the festive period.

As you sip your mulled wine and stare up at the night sky this Christmas Eve wondering when Santa may swoop down onto your house with his reindeer, you may indeed spot some movement up above.

The question is, is it Saint Nick, Rudolph and the gang, a plane, a rogue Christmas light or even an alien or UFO?

During the festive season, media relations director of Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) Ron James explains there is 'a slight uptick' in reports of UFO sightings.

The uptick typically takes place 'twice a year' in both the summer and the Christmas holidays, according to the expert.

And if you search 'UFO sighting Christmas' into X - formerly known as Twitter - you can see for yourself.

One post from 2020 reads: "Was it Santa? - Christmas Eve UFO Sighting in Dallas/Fort Worth Area."

And a post from yesterday (23 December) reads: "UFO Sighting or Santa In the Sky location Ohio."

But why do reports increase at this time of the year?

Having you ever spotted something moving in the sky over the festive period?
Getty Images/ Kevin Dietsch

Well, James explains there are 'a few reasons' why there's more reports of UFO sightings around this time of the year.

He tells The Daily Beast: "People might be paying more attention [because] they might be off work, they’re doing family activities and things they don’t normally do, so there’s more possibilities for people to encounter things.

"Then of course, there’s always Santa Claus and the reindeer."

MUFON’s media relations director Steve Hudgeons echoes: "If there is an uptick, I can understand that because there’s a lot of people out during Christmas time shopping and doing things. They might be looking up in the air so I can understand it if there is."

So, is it just because people have had one too many sherries and think they can spot Santa or some festive aliens? Or are they actually spotting some unidentified flying objects?

Is it Santa? Or is it just Christmas lights in the sky?
Getty Images/ Christopher Furlong

Well, sorry to burst your festive alien bubble, but Canadian UFO researcher with

Ufology Research Chris Rutkowski reveals while there is indeed a 'significant' increase in reports around the Christmas season, the 'UFO sightings' tend to have a pretty straight-forward explanation.

He told CBC News: "Most were simply lights in the sky, and yes, some were of a single red light flying overhead followed by a string of others. But others did not seem to have a reindeer explanation."

James resolves: "My feeling is that there’s not that there’s an actual increase in phenomenon occurring. It’s more that there’s more people in a position to see and experience things that might already be there pretty much consistently."

Well, luckily, there's still time to make a Christmas wish to get a glimpse of Santa or some aliens. Maybe tonight's the night.

Featured Image Credit: Aaron Foster/Anna Efetova/Getty Images

Topics: Christmas, Space, UFO, World News, Aliens