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Apple is making one of its biggest ever changes to iPhones in next update

Apple is making one of its biggest ever changes to iPhones in next update

It's been hailed as 'the biggest change to the iPhone in history'

A 'new era' of Apple is happening.

Anyone with an Apple device will know that the tech developer has a history of promoting only Apple-endorsed apps via the App Store.

In fact, the company has been criticised for its App Store fees and over 1,500 app developers filed a suit in the UK against Apple last year.

The £785 million ($1 billion) class action lawsuit accused the firm of having 'unfair' pricing systems.

As per CNN, Apple charges some app-makers 15 to 30 percent commission for using an in-app payment system.

The tech company has insisted that 85 percent of developers on the App Store do not pay any commission, however.

But a huge change is on the horizon as Apple are set to bring in something know as 'sideloading' and will allow third-party apps such as Google Play on some of its devices.

It will also allow alternative in-app payment options and all-in-one game streaming services, according to Bloomberg.

Huge changes are coming to Apple's App Store.
Jakub Porzycki/NurPhoto via Getty Images

The changes aren't a result of the lawsuit Apple's facing though - it's down to new changes to EU’s Digital Markets Act.

In a press release issued on January 25, Apple Fellow Phil Schiller said: "The changes we’re announcing today comply with the Digital Markets Act’s requirements in the European Union, while helping to protect EU users from the unavoidable increased privacy and security threats this regulation brings.

"Our priority remains creating the best, most secure possible experience for our users in the EU and around the world."

Third-party apps like Google Play will become available on iPhones.
Jaap Arriens/NurPhoto via Getty Images

He continued: "Developers can now learn about the new tools and terms available for alternative app distribution and alternative payment processing, new capabilities for alternative browser engines and contactless payments, and more.

"Importantly, developers can choose to remain on the same business terms in place today if they prefer."

The new changes are expected to come into force in EU countries in March.

Other countries across globe are likely to follow suit over the course of the year.

Apple expert Sam Kohl has since described the news as 'the biggest change to the iPhone in [its] history'.

Taking to TikTok, Sam said: "You're going to have so much more choice when buying an app, whether you get it from Google, Samsung or even Epic Games."

"This represents a step change for the iPhone which used to be super locked down," he went on.

Sam further branded it as 'a new era we've never seen from Apple'.

All the changes coming into force are listed here.

Featured Image Credit: Gado/Getty Images/Jaap Arriens/NurPhoto via Getty Images

Topics: News, Technology, Apple, iPhone