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Former video game executive sparks debate after claiming players should tip developers

Former video game executive sparks debate after claiming players should tip developers

Tipping has seemingly ended up everywhere, with gaming now even being mooted as an option

With video games costing around $70 nowadays, most players are not thinking: "If only I could pay a bit more..."

Yet one former video game exec thinks gamers are thirsting to tip developers.

Yep, as well as tipping your waiter, delivery driver, barista, hairdresser, etc., this guys thinks you should be tipping video game developers too.

Mike Ybarra, the former president of the major gaming company Blizzard Entertainment and ex-Xbox executive too, floated the concept on X last week.

Mike Ybarra has suggested tipping in gaming (Michael Tullberg/Getty Images)
Mike Ybarra has suggested tipping in gaming (Michael Tullberg/Getty Images)

While acknowledging that most people won't be a fan of the tipping idea, he said the idea could players support games they are 'in awe of'.

"I've thought about this idea for a while, as a player, since I've been diving into single player games lately," Ybarra began in a tweet posted on 11 April.

"When I beat a game, there are some that just leave me in awe of how amazing the experience was.

"At the end of the game, I've often thought 'I wish I could give these folks another $10 or $20 because it was worth more than my initial $70 and they didn't try to nickel and dime me every second.'"

For context as to how that compares to tipping at a meal - a 20 percent tip on a $70 bill is $14.

The ex video game exec added: "Games like HZD, GoW, RDR2, BG3, Elden Ring, etc. I know $70 is already a lot, but it's an option at the end of the game I wish I had at times. Some games are that special.

"I know most will dislike this idea. :) BTW, I realize we are tired of 'tipping' in everything else - but I view this different from a pressure to tip type scenario many face and give feedback on."

Imagine tipping at the end of GTA VI? (Rockstar Games)
Imagine tipping at the end of GTA VI? (Rockstar Games)

Many gamers have since flocked to the comments section of the video to provide their thoughts - and the feelings are certainly mixed.

"Unless you're tipping an independent Dev.. aren't you really just giving the publisher the money? With the Dev on a set wage?" one person asked.

"Larian is the only game studio that deserves to be tipped imo, but even then it would feel more disrespectful and unipersonal," a second added, while a third remarked: "I like this idea if a game is good and up to our standards, we should have an option to tip the studio/devs."

Featured Image Credit: Michael Tullberg/Getty Images, Stock Image via Getty

Topics: Gaming, Entertainment, Social Media