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Genius glow-in-the-dark invention on roads praised for being 'life-saving'

Genius glow-in-the-dark invention on roads praised for being 'life-saving'

A glow-in-the-dark invention that was introduced in Australia for a trial period has been praised as potentially being 'life-saving'.

A genius new glow-in-the-dark feature has been introduced on a stretch of road in Australia from a small local business, and the results have gone viral.

Tarmac Linemarking, in collaboration with OmniGrip and Vic Roads completed a 'trial run' of the new photoluminescent lines in May along Metong Road in the state of Victoria’s south east.

The Victoria Gippsland company used the natural science of photoluminescence, which is similar to the process used in glow-in-the-dark kids toys.

Drivers have praised the innovative roads for being 'life-saving'.

The lines light up at night to help drivers.
Tarmac Linemarking/ Facebook

Others have praised Tarmac Linemarking in a post that has been shared more than 100,000 times on Facebook.

One commenter said: "OMG I hope this is going to be Australia wide, that looks awesome!!" Meanwhile, a second added: "What an awesome idea! We need these on every road."

So, how exactly does the science work?

Well, the 'smarter path' line markings as they are known emit light for drivers in a relatively simple way.

The coating of the lines absorbs and stores light throughout the day. Then when night comes, the coating is able to project the light it has stored so that the road can be seen more clearly for motorists.

Tarmac Linemarking have been active on social media since the unique idea came to fruition by providing updates on their progress.

As the trial run rolled out for the bright lines in early May, the company said on Facebook: "WOW! The last couple of months Tarmac has been chosen to work along side OmniGrip and Vic Roads to roll out a trial run of the all new Photoluminescent (Glow in the dark ) linemarking!"

"This will be an outstanding product for pedestrians & bike lanes, roads, boat ramps and many more applications!"

UNILAD has contacted Tarmac Linemarking for comment.

The lines boast a fluorescent colour.
Tarmac Linemarking/ Facebook

The program is one of 70 trials being introduced in the state of Victoria, with the local government spending $4 million on new ideas.

Victoria's government has also considered expanding the bright lines to pavements by introducing LED-lit walkways near intersections.

In a statement, Regional Roads Australia said: "This treatment will make it easier for drivers to see the linemarkings or signage and provide stronger definition coming up to intersections and curves, giving drivers more time to react and preventing them from veering from their lane.

"This will be particularly beneficial for people who are not familiar with driving through the area."

Featured Image Credit: Tarmac Linemarking

Topics: Australia, Technology, Cars, Electric Cars