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New AI content assistant jobs will pay up to $100 an hour

New AI content assistant jobs will pay up to $100 an hour

The new job boasts a pretty hefty hourly-rate

There's a load of brand-new AI content assistant jobs that will pay up to $100 an hour.

For anyone looking to figure out their next side-hustle, it seems you need to look no further than the generative AI bot, ChatGPT, that took the world by storm ever since it's release back in November of last year.

In case you've been living under a rock for the past few month, ChatGPT has a whole host of uses and can answer questions, create art, write out essays and even put together resumes.

And, now, it seems many companies are now using the tool to create content of their own.

The new AI content assistant jobs could pay up to $100 an hour.
Matheus Bertelli / Pexels

Margaret Lilani, vice president of talent solutions at work marketplace Upwork explained: "We’ve seen high demand for this category of work."

She went on to add that employers are now 'looking to build up the supply of freelancers who can support this demand'.

So, if you consider yourself a bit of a tech whiz and have a decent understanding of language - you may be able to hop on board the trend and pick up a freelance gig creating content for a company's social profiles.

Whether that's LinkedIn posts, blog content, podcast notes or even social media posts for popular platforms like Twitter and Instagram - it's been found that using ChatGPT could prove extremely helpful.

In a work culture where businesses are now taking the time to build their brands, Angelique Rewers, founder of BoldHaus, a consulting firm that helps small businesses find corporate clients explains: "The bar has been raised for how much content you need to publish on your website and on social media."

Businesses are now using AI to create content for their brand and marketing strategies.
Matheus Bertelli / Pexels

Many companies put on talks, hosts webinars and stage presentations for conferences, meetings and just about everything else in between which all act as key opportunities to create content for the brand.

But it appears that writing out blog posts, putting together newsletters and posting marketing material to LinkedIn proves to be fairly time-consuming.

And, according to Rewers, this is where the use of the 'AI content assistant' becomes handy.

Talking about AI-generated transcription softwares like Rev or, Rewers explained: "You can literally copy and paste in a transcription and say, 'turn this into a 700-word blog article that has five tips'."

So, what would the human's role be in all of this?

The whole process is allegedly 'very intuitive'.
Shantanu Kumar / Pexels

Well, Rewers explains that the assistant would pop the content into ChatGPT, give it the necessary prompt and then simply proofread to make sure the results weren't complete 'gobbledygook'.

"It takes about a week to ramp up," she added, talking about the training it takes to understand how the various transcription services and ChatGPT work.

She also noted that the whole process is 'very intuitive' before adding: "Once you get a handle on the prompts it is so easy to do this."

And ease isn't the only attractive thing about the new oh-so modern job title according to Rewers.

She disclosed: "You can charge anywhere from $20 to $100 an hour."

Now that's incentive.

Rewers concluded: "The biggest new side hustle will be using AI and helping business owners to use AI."

Featured Image Credit: Mint Images Limited / Alexey Kotelnikov / Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Business, Money, Technology, Social Media