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AI glasses will give humans 'superpowers' to tell if people are lying or attracted to you, expert says

AI glasses will give humans 'superpowers' to tell if people are lying or attracted to you, expert says

He's said the technology will be used in numerous aspects of life - from work to dating

A tech expert has claimed that artificial intelligence-powered glasses will one day offer humans the chance to experience ‘superpowers’ with the ability to see if people are lying to you or if they’re attracted to you.

While it may sound like something out of an episode of Black Mirror, Devin Liddell, Principal Futurist at Teague, insists it’s the way the technology is headed.

Speaking to the Daily Mail, Liddell said computer vision systems built into glasses will be able to pick up on nuances and emotional cues that are invisible to the naked eye.

He believes that this augmented reality combined with AI will 'transform the social landscape’ for us humans.

Liddell the technology will offer folks the chance to spot ‘all sorts of physiological and psychological data about other people’ - such as when people are lying to us or if your date is actually interested in you.

A tech expert has said AI and AR powered glasses could revolutionise how we see the world.
Pexels/Michelangelo Buonarroti

Pointing out things the tech could be used for, he told the publication: “Is the other person nervous or calm, interested or annoyed, etc.? Are there markers that suggest they're being untruthful? Are there indicators that suggest they're attracted to the viewer?”

Liddell thinks the glasses would be extremely pivotal in many areas of our lives, from politics to work, and even dating.

He went on: “Humans engage in many opportunities and advantage-seeking behaviors, and they'll put these backchannel superpowers to use across all sorts of domains, from complex political negotiations to ordinary first dates.

“Early use cases will feature scenarios in which only one participant has backchannel superpowers, creating grossly uneven playing fields, so eventually, everyone will have them on some level.”

Liddell suggested that those who are the first to snag some of the special wearable tech will find themselves at an unfair advantage to those who are relying on their intuition alone.

An expert has said the tech will become smaller and less expensive.
Pexels/cottonbro studio

So much so that Liddell believes there could even be attempts to ban the technology.

He said: “There will be efforts to ban their use due to serious abuse cases — think customs officials barring entry to travelers with mental illness and unscrupulous employers weeding out less-healthy job applicants from their health insurance rolls before they can be hired.”

However, he says the bans won’t be a success as over time the technology will become smaller and less expensive meaning that it will be accessible to more people - and that folks may even opt for ‘retinal and ear-canal implants’.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock

Topics: Technology, Artificial Intelligence