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YouTuber Nutty 'flees Thailand' after thousands of fans are conned out of £46million

YouTuber Nutty 'flees Thailand' after thousands of fans are conned out of £46million

A YouTube star has fled Thailand after scamming thousands of her fans into investing in a forex trading company.

A Thai YouTuber has reportedly fled the country after she was accused of conning thousands of her fans out of a total of £46 million.

Popular YouTuber, Suchata Kongsupachak, has more than 840,000 subscribers on the platform and has been accused of allegedly conning 6,000 of her fans into investing into a forex trading company by promising returns as high as 35 per cent.

Kongsupachak is believed to have fled to Malaysia after facing three charges brought to her by a Thai court, including fraud, as reported by South Morning China Post.

The YouTube star often posted pictures on her social media accounts showing off luxury items, such as cars, watches, and even properties.

Kongsupachak, also known as 'Nutty', claimed that she obtained the luxury items from forex trading via a broker called IQ Option, police have said.

However, it is now becoming apparent that 'Nutty' never received the money from the broker and 6,000 fans never received the profits they were promised, and instead have been scammed out of a lot of money.

IQ Option told UNILAD the company 'is in no way connected with the scam-actions performed by the person, if any reactions took place', and that the company is 'ready to support the investigation with any relevant information and to provide any documents that can help the victims to reach the justice'.

The YouTuber reportedly tried to cover her tracks in April by telling fans she had lost all of the money they had invested because of a 'trading mistake'.

A lawyer who is representing the fans said that one victim sent £424,170 to the YouTuber's bank account.

According to officials, more than 100 victims have come forward so far to file a complaint against 'Nutty' with the number expected to grow.

Investors are offering a £117,753 reward to anyone who can provide information to the whereabouts of Kongsupachak.

Wattana Ketumpai, an officer at the Thailand's Cyber Crime Investigation Bureau, told the Nation Thailand that Kongsupachak had invited her fanbase to invest in her company, Suchata Co Ltd, and guaranteed up to '100 per cent returns'.

The officer continued: "Investments could be made either in cash or via a fiduciary contract."

Kongsupachak's secretary, Nichapat Ratanukrom, has also been issued a warrant for fraud charges.

Further investigation by officials also revealed 'Nutty' was allegedly connected to another fraud case in Singapore, where a Thai woman and her Singaporean husband were accused of defrauding customers over luxury watches and brand name products worth over £18 million.

If you’ve been affected by any of these issues and want to speak to someone in confidence, you can contact Victim Support on 08 08 16 89 111, start a live chat, or visit the website, all of which are available 24 hours seven days a week. 

Featured Image Credit: Nutty/YouTube

Topics: YouTube, Thailand, Crime