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Friend of daredevil who fell to death from 68th floor of tower predicts his last moments

Friend of daredevil who fell to death from 68th floor of tower predicts his last moments

Remi Lucidi's friend and fellow climber, Dakamaru, has tried to predict the daredevil's last moments, arguing he 'did not slip' to his death

Remi Lucidi's friend and fellow climber, Dakamaru, has tried to predict the daredevil's last moments, arguing he 'did not slip' to his death.

Lucidi - known as Remi Enigma on social media - built up a following on Instagram for his risky skyscrape climbs and stunts on high-rise buildings.

Tragically, at the end of last month, the 30-year-old Frenchman was discovered by police at the bottom of one of the Tregunter Towers in Hong Kong, having last been seen on the 68th floor of one of the complex's buildings.

His friend, Dakamaru, has since spoken out about Lucidi's passing, guessing what may have gone wrong in his final moments which lead to his fall to support his argument that the incident cannot be called an 'accident'.

Fellow climber and friend of Lucidi's, Dakamaru, has spoken out following his death.
Instagram/ @dakamaru10

Lucidi is reported by South China Morning Post as having told a member of the building's security he was there to visit a friend on the 40th floor at around 6:00pm on 27 July.

The 30-year-old was later captured on CCTV exiting the lift on the 49th floor, before using the stairs to climb to the top of the tower.

He was later spotted by a maid, who reportedly saw a man tapping at the window of a penthouse at around 7:30pm.

The pair used to climb together.
Instagram/ @dakamaru10

A police source told the outlet it's believed Lucidi got 'trapped outside the penthouse while practising an extreme sport in the building and he knocked on the window for help'.

The police source resolved Lucidi then 'accidentally fell to his death'.

However, Lucidi's friend, Dakamaru doesn't agree, and - using his own expertise of climbing - has hypothesised what the 30-year-old's last moment may have been like to support his argument his friend didn't just 'slip and fall'.

Dakamaru doesn't believe Remi simply 'slipped and fell' to his death.
Instagram/ @remnigma

Reflecting on the report that Lucidi was spotted outside of a penthouse window, Dakamaru believes it 'must have been a place that he [Lucidi] could not manoeuvre out of'.

Dakamaru tells the Mirror: "[Lucidi] must have spent enough time there to get tired and not be able to keep to it any longer.

"The witness claimed he’d been out on the window knocking. Probably on a thin edge outside. Not much space to move. Probably no way to sit, turn, crouch or change position in any way.

"And no matter how physically fit you are, in such conditions you’re bound to get tired eventually."

Contrary to what the police source said, Dakamaru resolves Lucidi's death wasn't an accident.

"When you reach a certain level of skill you don't just slip and fall. It's not possible."

If you have experienced a bereavement and would like to speak with someone in confidence, contact Cruse Bereavement Care via their national helpline on 0808 808 1677

Featured Image Credit: Instagram / @dakamaru10 / @remnigma

Topics: World News, Instagram, Social Media