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Family of man held captive in neighbor's cellar for 26 years speak out

Family of man held captive in neighbor's cellar for 26 years speak out

Omar Bin Omran was held captive for 27 years, beginning when he disappeared in 1998 at the age of just 19

The family of a man who was found alive after going missing for 27 years have spoken out.

Omar Bin Omran disappeared from his home in El Guedid, around 150 miles south of Algiers.

At the time, Algeria had been embroiled in a civil war, and Omar's family believed that he had been killed while on his way to school.

His family were left grieving for 27 years after his disappearance, before an extraordinary tip off led them to discover that he had been close to them the whole time.

The distraught family rushed into their neighbour's home where they found Omar, now aged 45, concealed under bales of hay in a 'sheep pen' located in the cellar of the neighbor's home.

His cousin, Khaled Reggab, clarified that he was not in a 'critical' state, but had been left 'shocked, more than shocked' by his horrendous experiences.

Speaking to Echorouk news, he said: "I have no information about him but according to what I saw his health condition is good, it is not critical."

Omar was just 19 years old when he disappeared. (ABO ABOOD)
Omar was just 19 years old when he disappeared. (ABO ABOOD)

He also appeared to confirm the story that Omar's dog had pined for him shortly after his disappearance.

This included the dog barking and whining outside the neighbour's house where Omar was being held until the dog also allegedly 'killed'.

Speaking about his cousin's condition since his release from captivity, Reggab said: "His psychological state is shocked, and more than shocked, he is afraid, especially since he was detained, meaning he is not accustomed to being (outside).

"Omar is still under therapeutic and psychological care at this minute. I see them (his family) in a catastrophic shock."

He had been on the same street the whole time. (X/@m0ath)
He had been on the same street the whole time. (X/@m0ath)

Describing how the dog had been whining outside the house, Reggab said: "The property owner is using it on the basis that it is a stable. He is about 100 metres, only 100 metres (away) on the same street.

"The dog was frequenting the house of the owner of this residence for more than a week - and this story was confirmed by all of Omar's friends and even those closest to the family - until it was killed two weeks later."

Reggab added: "This matter is puzzling. The (sheep pen) belongs to the residence and he has some sheep. It has piles of hay and Omar was covered with all this hay.

"Even when we asked him, why didn't you shout or try to resist or leave the house and so on, his answer was very simple. He said literally 'I was not able to even speak or even walk'."

Featured Image Credit: ABO ABOOD

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