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New species of venomous snake has been discovered in Australia

New species of venomous snake has been discovered in Australia

A team of researchers have uncovered a new species of venomous snake.

A team of researchers have uncovered a new species of venomous snake.

There's a good reason I've never stepped further into Australia than to switch over flights in Sydney airport - because I don't fancy my chances against the country's multitude of snakes, spiders and other creepy crawlies.

So the news of yet another venomous snake to add to the list?

I don't think I'll be travelling to Australia anytime soon that's for sure after researchers from the Western Australian Museum, the South Australian Museum and the University of Adelaide found a new type of whip snake.

Australia's snakes reaction as they hear there's a new guy on the block.
Getty Images/ Auscape/ Universal Images

There were previously 14 different types of whip snake which could be found in Australia and now there's another - named the desert whip snake.

If you're based in any outback town or an area which doesn't receive much rainfall in the Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia or Western Australia then keep your eyes peeled and make sure to snake-proof your walls - you've been warned.

DNA researcher and first author of the study, Dr James Nankivell from the University of Adelaide made the discovery, alongside honorary researcher Mark Hutchinson and Perth biodiversity environmentalists Brad Maryan and Brian Rush.

If you wanted to know what to look out for, then Dr Nankivell has kindly described the appearance of the desert whip snake.

The desert whip snake.
Mark Hutchinson

The researcher explains, according to a press release from the University of Adelaide, that what differentiates the whip snake from other species of whip snake it it's 'blueish body with a copper head and tail'.

"It also doesn’t have as much black on its scales as its closest relative," Dr Nakivell says.

It's these 'subtle but consistent differences in external appearance' alongside 'genetic evidence' which led to the research team to declare the desert whip snake a 'new species'.

But, let's get down to the most important question, will it kill us?

People on Twitter have given their thoughts on this 'danger noodle'.

Well, offering some reassurance, Dr Nakivell explains despite the desert whip snake being venomous, it is only 'mildly' so.

He adds: "It's bite - while painful - is unlikely to cause humans any serious harm.

"Bites from whip snakes are extremely rare as they are very shy and tend to flee at the first sign of danger."

According to 7 News, the snake grows to a maximum, not too terrifying length of 89cm and it's favourite cuisine is lizards.

Exciting for researchers and snake-lovers, not so much for ophidiophobes, Nakivell reflects how the study 'continues to highlight the rich diversity of reptiles living in the deserts of Australia'.

He resolves: "Our country is home to more species of reptile than anywhere else in the world and there are still even more species just waiting to be discovered."

Featured Image Credit: Mark Hutchinson

Topics: Australia, Health, Animals, World News, Travel