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Woman gets rings removed from her finger after they were stuck for 15 years

Woman gets rings removed from her finger after they were stuck for 15 years

The relief must have been intense!

A woman whose rings were stuck on her finger for over 15 years has finally had them removed, and we can almost feel the relief!

In a video shared by TikTok page, @jewelleryforever, the retailer explained that the woman had the rings on her finger for over 15 years, and had never taken them off.

"Because there are three rings, it's much harder to cut," the retailer explained, while using a special device which slots underneath the rings, and cuts the metal band.

"We have to do them all at once, at the same time," they continued.

The jeweller added that while the woman had tried to have them cut off at the hospital, they were unable to help as it wasn't classed as an emergency.

"Also, she said she went to her doctor in the hospital but they were not able to help her and they told her you'll have to look for for a jeweller. The hospital will not do that service unless it's a real emergency," they explained.

The woman needed three rings removing.

Once the rings were off the woman's finger, the jeweller explained it would take a few weeks for her finger to get back to normal and heal after years of wearing the tight jewellery.

The relief!

And other users were quick to comment, with some sharing their own similar stories.

One woman wrote: "I had my wedding ring removed like that, it had been on my finger for 25 yrs… I cried when it came off! But I got a new one made out of the old one."

While another commented: "I had my ring on for 20 years, gained weight (I yo-yo more than I care to admit). I knocked the main diamond out so I had to have it cut off."

And a third wrote: "This happened to me when I was pregnant. I got swollen on a hot summer day. Had to go to my jeweller & they cut my bands off. I cried the whole time."

The woman's finger will take a few weeks to heal.

Others said they always remove their rings at different times of the day, to avoid them getting stuck in one place.

"This is why I take all my jewellery off before going to bed every night," said one commenter.

And another added: "I can’t be the only one that takes their ring off rub their fingers and then puts it back?"

"I am fascinated by the number of people who never take their rings off!" Added a third.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@jewelleryforever

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