Americans visiting Europe have caused controversy over claiming Europeans simply 'don't drink water'.
We're all aware of the fact that there are some pretty huge differences between the US and Europe but now, it seems that we can add drinking water to the list of things which are different between the two places.
The US seems to have a much bigger emphasis on making sure you chug down a certain amount of water every day and stay hydrated.
And while there are, of course, also guidelines for this in many European countries, it seems to not be quite as stringent as it is in the States.
This has been pointed out by a number of US tourists, who have been posting videos about the matter while out and about in European countries.
In a video posted back in April, TikToker @ditchthedistrict wrote: “Everywhere I go, I’m drinking the same amount of water as the three other people at the table combined. I’m hoarding water bottles in my room.
“I feel like my organs are turning into beef jerky [because] they’re so dry. I can drink a whole bottle of water before my first course even comes at a restaurant.”
And another TikToker, @br3nnak3ough, posted a video showing her friend group chugging water along with the caption: "Us the moment we find water because Europeans don't believe in water."

It's safe to say that many Europeans were less than impressed with the claims, highlighting the many ways in which one can easily procure water while out and about.
One replied: "Water from the tap works perfectly fine, fill your own water bottle for free. Sincerely Sweden."
Another offered a possible explanation why they felt that water was less available, suggesting: "Maybe the disconnect is that you have to ask for it, they don’t just have fountains or auto give you some at restaurants."
Another said: "Why are these people so dramatic for no reason. You can find water on every street corner."
And someone else wrote: "People are dramatic [as f***]. There are markets/stores everywhere & a bottle of water is cheaper than in the US. They have water in restaurants.”

Other Europeans have highlighted their frustration at visiting Americans always referring to 'Europe' instead of the specific country.
They humorously pointed out: "Europe is a big place pal. Are you in Paris or Sunderland?"
In the UK, NHS guidance on drinking enough fluid doesn't give a specific amount, but instead suggests: "Most people should aim to drink enough during the day so their pee is a clear pale yellow colour."
Topics: US News, World News, UK News, Travel