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Store owner who sold winning $1B Powerball ticket plans to take family on vacation

Store owner who sold winning $1B Powerball ticket plans to take family on vacation

After winning a share of the Powerball jackpot as a retailer, Navor Herrera is planning to take his family on vacation to celebrate

What would you do if you suddenly came into a lot of money?

While many people would immediately choose to spend it on themselves, basking in the luxuries that can now be afforded, one mini-market owner has decided to share the wealth with those he loves most.

Owning a California mini market, Navor Herrera probably didn’t think that he’d sell a jackpot ticket amounting to $1.08 billion in his lifetime.

But that’s what happened.

The Powerball ticket came into the worker’s hands at Las Palmitas Mini Market in downtown Los Angeles as he sold it to one lucky person, and because of the ticket rules, it meant that he also would win some big bucks.

Now, he's going to be treating his family to a vacation using his earnings.

The store owner is now one rich man.
dylan nolte / Unsplash

Because of the Powerball rules in California, those who sell a winning ticket are entitled to a 0.5% share of the jackpot, with the reward capped at $1 million.

Speaking to Fox 9 on 20 July, Herrera shared that he has plans to take his family on vacation using his new wealth, after lottery officials presented him with a ‘symbolic’ cheque during a news conference.

After hanging signs around the market saying 'billionaire made here', Herrera happily stood for pictures inside of his mini market where the winning lottery ticket was sold.

In an interview with the Associated Press when asked about what his plans for the future are now that he’s loaded, he said: “I have to make more bigger store, more items, good service for the people. That's my thing now.”

The store owner had no idea about the staggering sum.

Though the mega winner has yet to claim their prize, the shop owner believes the person is local to the area.

Whoever the lucky victor is, they now have the choice to either have the money paid out in yearly instalments or to receive a $558.1 million lump sum before tax.

Considering the last time someone won the Powerball was in April 2019 with a nearly $253 million prize, the unknown individual is the owner of the sixth-largest US lottery jackpot ever won.

Will they come and get their cash?

Featured Image Credit: FOX 11

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