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Horrified mom finds woman's body wrapped in plastic in her son's room

Horrified mom finds woman's body wrapped in plastic in her son's room

Police have opened a homicide investigation after a woman's body was found wrapped in plastic

A mom was horrified when she found a dead body in her son's bedroom.

The unnamed mother, from Los Angeles, poked her head in her kid's room after noticing a 'distinct gas smell’ at their home.

However, after inspecting the strange odour, she came across the body of a woman wrapped in plastic at around 1.15am on Sunday (13 August).

Understandably shocked, the mom called the police, with officers arriving at her home on Wall Street in the early hours of the morning.

According to local reports, paramedics also attended the scene but sadly pronounced the woman dead.

A body was found wrapped in plastic in a Los Angeles home over the weekend.

The woman discovered in the bedroom has since been named by Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office as Hannah Rachel Collins.

However, as yet, the cause of the 30-year-old's death has yet to be confirmed.

It is not known how long the woman's body had been in the bedroom before it was found.

Police are now investigating the incident as a homicide.

The name or photo of the suspect involved in the case have also not yet been disclosed but the police have said he is in his twenties.

It's not clear whether Ms Collins knew the person who killed her, and no arrests have been made at the time of writing.

Anyone who may have information that could help with the investigation is urged to contact the Los Angeles Police Department.

Featured Image Credit: KABC

Topics: US News, Crime, Police