Time stood still on 9/11 when two passenger planes hit the World Trade Center (WTC), and now, rare footage shows the tragic moment the second plane struck from a new angle.
It's been more than 20 years since one of the world's deadliest terrorist attacks in history took place killing almost 3,000 people.
But, to this very day, haunting new details and footage of the incident continue to be revealed.
Now, footage released in early 2022 by Kevin Westley shows a new angle of the moment the second plane hit the WTC's South Tower.
Warning: the below footage may be distressing for some viewers.
The footage, which was recently re-shared by X user, @morbidful, shows a crowd of people looking up in shock at the North Tower, which had been hit by American Airlines Flight 11 less than half an hour earlier.
The crowd, who are standing on a walkway next to the Hudson river, watch on as smoke billows from the 110-floor skyscraper.
Then, the camera quickly pans across to film another passenger jet (United Airlines Flight 175) soar across the sky and straight into the South Tower.
People scream as the plane strikes the building, causing an explosion of flames at the point of impact.
One man can be heard shouting, 'Oh my God,' while another sobs and screams, 'What the f*** is going on?'
The crowd are in shock as they process what they've just seen.

Before the second plane hit, many believed that Flight 11 had hit the North Tower by accident, but this second strike confirmed that something much more serious was happening.
"He flew right into it on purpose," one man exclaims in disbelief. This is awful... This is not right."
Other harrowing footage from the fateful day sees two students watch the scene unfold from their New York City apartment.
Caroline Dries and her friend Megan were woken up by the first explosion and assumed it was a bomb that had been planted at the top of the building.
But shortly afterwards, the young women launch into panic as they see the second plane crashing into the neighbouring tower.
Speaking to CNN in 2011, Caroline – who is now a successful TV writer and producer – said: "We were kids, like we were so vulnerable and so naïve.
"I just remember feeling like I don't know what to do, that feeling of being so vulnerable, so overwhelming.
"Sometimes I think you know it would be nice to have not filmed it. To just have run and let time kind of erase all of the details and just move on a little faster."