A man who was chopped in half by a forklift has revealed the one thing he'd change about himself.
Back in 2019, Loren Schauers - now 23 - was involved in a tragic accident involving a forklift.

Loren, who was working as a builder at the time, had been driving the forklift across a bridge in Montana when it plummeted 50ft to the ground.
Doctors were able to save Loren's life, but after being crushed by the truck, he was left with life-threatening injuries and had to undergo a hemicorporectomy - which is when a person's legs, genitalia, urinary system, pelvic bones, anus, and rectum are removed.
Loren also had to have part of his right arm amputated and now lives with a bionic arm.
Since the devastating accident, Loren and his wife, Sabia, regularly share their lives with followers on their YouTube channel, Sabia and Loren.
Loren has been praised for his bravery in deciding to open up about his accident and recovery journey, and last year, the couple thanked those who have been following their lives online.
"It has been a long and wild journey and we can't wait to see where else thinks life will take us and we hope we can continue taking you all along with us," they said.

The couple often try and answer some of their followers' most-asked questions and in a recent Q&A on YouTube, the pair revealed what they would change about themselves if they could.
While Sabia said she’d 'like to quit vaping eventually, and control my hyper-fixating nature', Loren explained: “I’d like to quit my smoking habit – obviously – because I’m mainly all lungs now.
“That way I could prolong my life longer than it's already been shortened to, given my situation. I wish I could quit. I want to be a better person too, in the way I treat and speak to people.”

There is one topic that Sabia doesn't like to discuss, however, and said it's 'disrespectful' when people ask about it.
"A question we get repeatedly is how do we have sex and how do we become intimate," she told Daily Star in 2022.
"That is a very personal question that we are never going to answer or allude to as it's very disrespectful.
"You wouldn't ask a random couple on the street how they have sex and just because our life circumstances are different, it doesn't give people the right to ask."