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Clerk who refused to issue same-sex marriage licenses faces huge fine

Clerk who refused to issue same-sex marriage licenses faces huge fine

Kim Davis has been slapped with an additional fine after denying a same-sex couple a marriage license in 2015

A former county clerk has been slapped with a hefty fine after refusing to grant a marriage license to same-sex couples.

Kim Davis used to work as a clerk in Rowan County, Kentucky and was in charge of the office which issues all marriage licenses in the state.

Despite same-sex marriage being made legal in Kentucky on June 26, 2015, Davis refused to marry two same-sex couples later that year.

She subsequently spent five days in jail in 2015, only released after her office granted the licenses to the couples - without her signature on - and she later lost her job role in 2018.

The two couples decided to sue her and she was found guilty of violating the plaintiffs' constitutional rights by a federal judge in 2022.

The district found Davis personally liable in both cases brought against her by the two separate couples, but only awarded one of the couples damages.

Despite same-sex marriage being legalised, Kim Davis denied two couples licenses.
NBC News

David Ermold and David Moore were awarded $100,000 - $50,000 each - by a jury in September last year after their attorneys argued Davis' refusal to grant them a marriage license publicly humiliated them and caused them emotional distress.

Their co-counsel, Joe Buckles, reflected at the time, as per NPR: "The Supreme Court says that my clients have a constitutional right to marry under the 14th Amendment.

"But this case isn't really about [Davis's] religion. The case isn't really about our clients' right to marry. The case is about a government official that just refused to do her job. It's a pretty simple case."

However, the fine imposed on Davis doesn't just stop there.

Davis has been slapped with another fine.
Getty Images/ Ty Wright

Davis has since been instructed by US District Judge David Bunning to cough up a further eye-watering amount to cover the attorney fees and expenses Ermold and Moore incurred during their legal battle against her.

Despite Davis' teams protestations the amount is too high, the former county clerk will have to pay an additional $260,000.

The attorney fees include $175,408 for Michael Gartland from DelCotto Law Group, $51,230 for Joseph Buckles and $33,446.40 for the Public Citizens Law Group in Washington DC.

Her total fine now amounts to $260104, as per the Lexington Herald.

Davis is represented by Liberty Counsel, spokesperson for the religious freedom company Holly Meade telling the Lexington Herald they're planning on appealing the ruling.

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Featured Image Credit: YouTube / WHAS11

Topics: Money, Sex and Relationships, US News, Politics, LGBTQ