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Squatters take over $4.6 million Beverly Hills mansion and infuriate celebrity neighbors by turning it into party house

Squatters take over $4.6 million Beverly Hills mansion and infuriate celebrity neighbors by turning it into party house

Police are working on a way to evict the squatters after neighbors shared their concerns

Residents in a swanky Beverly Hills neighborhood have been left infuriated by squatters who have turned an empty mansion into a 'party house'.

John Legend and Chrissy Teigen, Seth MacFarlane, LeBron James and Jeff Bezos; they're just a few of the A-listers who have taken up residence in Beverly Hills, in an area close to a multimillion-dollar home which has recently become home to 'raging parties'.

The home sits on the border of Beverly Hills and Bel Air, and is located next door to a property owned by landlord Fran Solomon, who described the parties going on 'through crazy hours of the night'.

Condoms and drug paraphernalia have been seen outside the property, where neighbors say squatters have been living for months.

“There have been trucks unloading things that we can’t quite identify in the middle of the night," Solomon told NBC Los Angeles.

The homeowner went on to claim that partygoers have been disturbing neighbors by ringing their doorbells at 'two and four o'clock in the morning', but the impacts go beyond making noise.

The Beverly Hills partgoers have been disturbing neighbors.

Another neighbor, Rick, told ABC7: "It isn't like people are showing up at 8 or 9 at night, they're showing up at 2 in the morning with loud cars, motorcycles, Ubers, they're parking everywhere, they block the streets. Where we live up here, there's small one-lane roads."

Solomon pointed out that if an emergency vehicle needed to access the area, it would struggle to get past the vehicles of the partygoers.

The manager of the property owned by LeBron James told the MailOnline that the parties are part of the reason he keeps security guards at the home 24/7.

"I've heard from my security team up there about all the crazy cars, crazy parties at night, how we're not able to get into our property sometimes because they're blocking the street with their cars, and just the nuisance at night with the loud music and people floating out to the streets," he explained.

The Beverly Hills home is currently up for sale.
ABC7 News/

Those hosting the parties have allegedly been bold enough to advertise their events, and have even been known to charge admission. At one point, they claimed to be raising money for the victims of the Hamas attack on October 7.

But in spite of the evidence of the parties, the Los Angeles Police Department has done little to put a stop to them due to the complicated ownership status of the home.

The mansion was once owner by disgraced doctor Munir Uwaydah, who left the US after being accused of being involved in the 2008 murder of 21-year-old model Julianna Redding.

A company named MDRCA Properties LLC is currently listed as the owner, but the business filed for bankruptcy last year.

The home is currently on sale for $4.6 million, but the squatters have allegedly made it their own in the meantime by having their drivers licenses registered to the home, slowing the eviction process.

LAPD Senior Lead Officer James Allen told the MailOnline the police department is 'working on a plan with the bank to evict the individuals'.

"There's no one at this point to evict them and say they're there illegally," Allen explained, adding: "I've submitted [the plan] to the City Attorney."

UNILAD has contacted the LAPD for further comment.

Featured Image Credit: NBC/ YouTube / ABC7

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