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Incredible moment man finds out his Apple MacBook is 'bulletproof' after it saved him from being shot

Incredible moment man finds out his Apple MacBook is 'bulletproof' after it saved him from being shot

Certainly wouldn't try this at home to check if yours is

An man came uncomfortably close to death when a stray bullet entered his room window but miraculously a tragic ending was avoided thanks to an unexpected hero.

A social media user on Reddit revealed he was almost shot when a bullet struck his window and came into his room.

This could have easily resulted in the man’s death but Reddit user MartyMcFly_01 escaped unharmed thanks to his Apple MacBook Air, he says.

Writing about it on a Reddit board two years ago, the user explained the bizarre and frightening scenario.

The post has been upvoted around 1,000 times and has resulted in praise from other users over just how lucky he is.

He said: “To give a brief background, I’m currently living in Mexico City studying medicine. I’m finishing up my third year this semester, so I’m practically always at my desk facing the window doing homework.

The window the bullet shattered to enter his room (Reddit/MartyMcFly_01)
The window the bullet shattered to enter his room (Reddit/MartyMcFly_01)

“Last night, I was doing some reading at my desk and decided to listen to some music, which I usually don’t do while reading (throws off my concentration), but I figured what the hell and flipped open the screen to start a YouTube playlist. All of a sudden, while I had my AirPods in, a bullet crashed through the window, smacking the back of my laptop screen and ricocheting to the back of the room.”

While it is amazing he managed to escape completely unharmed, he goes on to stress just how close it came to killing him.

MacBook Airs are typically of aluminum, rare earth elements, cobalt, tin, gold, copper, steel, plastic and display glass. Aluminum has been known to deflect bullets in some instances.

He continued: “Keep in mind, I’m right in front of the monitor and I supposed it knocked the bullet off course enough (flying over my head) to smack the back of the concrete wall, landing on my bed.

“I’m glad I’m not injured, or dead, as that thing busted through the window pretty hard. The unfortunate thing is that now I’m screwed because my screen is busted.”

Quite the memento for an almost life-ending incident (Reddit/MartyMcfly_01)
Quite the memento for an almost life-ending incident (Reddit/MartyMcfly_01)

He added: “I’ve had that MacBook Air since 2017 (2015 model) and it has served me well up to this point.

“That think is a tank. It has eaten everything I’ve thrown at it. I guess I’ll have to connect it to a monitor until I can save up for a new computer or at least a repair. MacBooks ftw!”

People in the comment’s simply couldn’t believe the man’s good fortune and suggested he try and speak to Apple directly to see if it would help him get a replacement.

Others suggested it would be worth trying to go viral on any social media platform so more people see this and in turn the Apple social media team sees and decides to get involved.

It isn’t clear whether this was successful and whether the Reddit user ever got someone else to buy him a new laptop but either way the man is likely just happy to still be walking and talking since his brush with death.

Featured Image Credit: Reddit/MartyMcFly_01

Topics: News, US News, Apple, Reddit