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Ukraine Has Reached 'Joint Understanding' With Russia On Civilian Evacuations Following Talks

Ukraine Has Reached 'Joint Understanding' With Russia On Civilian Evacuations Following Talks

Ukraine has revealed that Russia has agreed to provide humanitarian corridors to help safely evacuate fleeing citizens.

Ukraine has revealed that Russia has agreed to provide humanitarian corridors to help safely evacuate fleeing citizens.

Following a second round of peace talks held earlier today, March 3, in Belarus, the two countries are reported as having reached a 'joint understanding'.

While the agreement included the possibility of a temporary ceasefire, it was hoped by Ukraine that a resolution for a full ceasefire may be reached, as well as the withdrawal of Russian troops.

However, the temporary ceasefire in certain areas to allow for the safe passage of civilians has been seen by both Russia and Ukraine as a step in the right direction.

Russian negotiators not only confirmed the country's support of the humanitarian corridors, but have also reportedly viewed the second round of talks as having gone successfully, Sky News reports.

Ukrainian negotiator Mykhailo Podolyak reflected that the two countries were able to agree on 'jointly securing humanitarian corridors to evacuate peaceful civilians, and also on supplying medicine and food to the places of the most fierce fighting,' as BBC News reports.

He said: 'I stress, with a possibility of a temporary ceasefire for the evacuation period in certain sectors'.

The agreement follows the UN's revelation yesterday, March 2, that the number of Ukraine civilian casualties since the beginning of Russia's invasion on February 24 had now surpassed the total from the 2014 war in Eastern Ukraine, which left 136 civilians dead and 577 injured.

Compared to the war between the pro-Russian separatists and Ukrainian forces in 2014, the current conflict has reportedly seen at least 277 civilian fatalities and 525 casualties so far.

Since the invasion first began, one million refugees have fled Ukraine to surrounding countries such as Poland, Romania and Moldova.

The UN stated: 'One million people have now fled Ukraine to seek safety. Unless there is an immediate end to the conflict, millions more are likely to be forced to flee. We're mobilizing resources to continue responding as quickly & effectively as possible.'

Earlier today, Russia's foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, stated his confidence in a resolution to the invasion soon being found, however, he warned that the West must show 'mutual respect' in its dialogue with the Kremlin.

A third round of peace talks has reportedly been confirmed by officials to take place soon.

If you would like to donate to the Red Cross Emergency Appeal, which will help provide food, medicines and basic medical supplies, shelter and water to those in Ukraine, click here for more information 

Featured Image Credit: Alamy

Topics: Russia, Ukraine, Vladimir Putin, World News