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Woman showcases the results of 'life-changing' $11,000 surgery to make her forehead smaller

Woman showcases the results of 'life-changing' $11,000 surgery to make her forehead smaller

Beth Halsey went under the knife earlier this year in a bid to make her forehead smaller

Cosmetic surgery is nothing new, but there's one procedure you may have never heard of - and that's a forehead reduction.

Arguably all of us have insecurities, and this is something Beth Halsey knows first hand.

The 27-year-old woman from Essex, UK, had always been self conscious about her forehead. In fact, Beth says she began researching surgery options from the age of seven.

Fast forward 20 years and she's now had the procedure, and had to shell out £9,000 ($11,000) for it.

As to what the surgery actually involves, a surgeon will move a person's hairline down to give the appearance of a smaller forehead.

While Beth is over the moon with the results, she did admit that she was in a fair bit of pain in the days following the surgery.

Speaking on British breakfast show This Morning, she said: "The first few days, I was in quite a lot of pain - but the tablets were really good. I was really, really swollen as well and had big black eyes."

Beth Halsey has always been self conscious about her forehead. (ITV)
Beth Halsey has always been self conscious about her forehead. (ITV)

Despite the pain she initially felt, Beth insists that after a week she was 'pretty much fine', but still taking some tablets.

She's since hailed the surgery as 'freeing'.

"Without sounding too dramatic, it's quite freeing," she said on This Morning last month.

"I just feel like now I can be my true self and I feel confident, I can post pictures on Instagram without a filter and that type of thing."

As to how much she had reduced, Beth explained that from the center of her hair line it was an inch, while the sides of her hairline were brought down 2 cm.

Beth was left with a lot of bruising and swelling after the surgery. (ITV)
Beth was left with a lot of bruising and swelling after the surgery. (ITV)

As well as talking on national TV about her experience, Beth documented it on TikTok.

Admitting that her forehead was her 'biggest insecurity for as long as [she] could remember'.

Beth had her stitches removed a week on from the procedure being done.

While some people online have questioned why she had the surgery because they felt she looked lovely before, Beth has insisted that she did it for herself.

"Sorry to say but you’re beautiful and tbh I didn’t see a problem," one person wrote on one of her videos.

Beth replied: "Thank you, I didn’t do it for anyone else though I did it for me."

Others applauded her for doing what makes her happy.

One said: "It’s so interesting because I would’ve looked at you before and didn’t think you need it, you’re so pretty, but personal insecurities are very real and you look amazing now!"

Featured Image Credit: ITV/This Morning

Topics: TikTok, News, UK News, Life