The US and UK might seem on the same page for many things, but there are some huge differences that can still baffle people.
In fact, one US man living in the UK has taken to TikTok to explain some of the weirdest things he's had to get used to since moving across the pond and settling in Great Britain.
Kobie Jordan, who now lives in London, has explained the odd things on social media he's noticed since settling into UK life.

In the video, Kobie explains how he first thought people greeting him were being aggressive.
He said: "When I first moved here, I thought it was just British people being passive-aggressive, being like: 'Are you alright' after I just had a bad day. Of course I'm not alright."
Next he couldn't get over why people wouldn't drive for somewhere that's more than ten minutes away, which he explained to viewers would see most Americans hopping in their vehicle. "We'll be done filming and I'll be like, "Let's get some food somewhere," and they're like: "Oh, it's only 35 minutes away.'," he explained. "35 minutes away? Back home, if it's more than 10 minutes, you're whipping [driving]."

Lastly it was the UK's commitment to drinking that was up for discussion as Kobie added: "They have bars and clubs on their campus. And, even weirder than that, the teacher will literally be like, 'Are y'all [you all] ready for a pint after class?''"
With the US drinking age starting at 21, it's no wonder Kobie thinks Brits' love of alcohol from age 18 is a little odd.
Kobie added that Brits have been 'drinking since they're 15years-old, so by the time they get to college, it's nothing to them', which is a huge difference to Americans who ''go buck wild and start acting crazy' in college due to the national drinking age being 21.
Kobie's observations have picked up attention on TikTok, as one person responded: "Don't you guys say 'what's up' as a greeting? Isn't that pretty much the same as 'you alright?'"
Another person joked: "Drinking from 15? What part the Uk you in? We start from birth haha" as a third commented: "Drinking since 15? Been drinking since been able to walk."
Another person who's relocated to the UK gave their insight as they added: "Been here for a week. Roads are too narrow, I have drunk more beer than I have in 2 years. Pubs everywhere. Cars are too small. No AC."