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Discovery of 'highly offensive' texts from Tucker Carlson led to him being let go by Fox News

Discovery of 'highly offensive' texts from Tucker Carlson led to him being let go by Fox News

The messages led to the host being ousted by the network

The shocking discovery of 'highly offensive' texts from Tucker Carlson led to him being let go by Fox News, it has been revealed.

Carlson was made to leave the network with immediate effect earlier this week on 24 April after a barrage of messages sent by the primetime host using inappropriate language against a co-worker were exposed.

In a statement on his departure, Fox News thanked Carlson for his contribution to the network but did not initially disclose why this decision had been made.

The statement read: "Fox News Media and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways. We thank him for his service to the network as a host and prior to that as a contributor. Mr Carlson’s last programme was Friday April 21st.

"Fox News Tonight will air live at 8pm starting this evening as an interim show helmed by rotating Fox News personalities until a new host is named."

The shocking discovery of 'highly offensive' texts from Tucker Carlson led to him being let go by Fox News.
Fox News

While the news came as an initial surprise to audiences, the following outrage only intensified after the disgraced media personality's private phone messages containing some very vulgar subject matters were brought to light.

Carlson was found to have used derogatory language in a 'highly offensive' text message to describe a senior network executive, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday (26 April).

And it didn't stop there.

Carlson also referred to Donald Trump's adviser and attorney, Sidney Powell, using a misogynist slur in a text obtained by lawyers as part of a defamation lawsuit between the network and Dominion Voting Systems.

The case in question was settled last week for a staggering $787.5 million after lawyers allegedly convinced the Delaware judge to remove the explicit text message from any public filings.

Although Fox’s trial lawyers had his crude messages for several months, the board and some senior executives only recently became aware of their details.

The discovery set off a company-wide investigation into the contents of private messages exchanged between Carlson and many others at the network in the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election.

The lawsuit between Dominion Voting Systems and Fox was settled last week for a staggering $787.5 million.
Fox News

One message showed Carlson refer to Powell as a C-word and a 'b***h' were publicized as part of the lawsuit.

Other messages show saw the host admit he 'passionately hated' Donald Trump - though Carlson defended these comments by claiming they were said during a 'momentary spasm of anger'.

And this isn't the first time Carlson has come under for making extremely derogatory comments.

The host has made a wide array of shocking comments throughout his career, which have people questioning how he only just got sacked this week.

From telling Lauren Duca to 'stick to the high-thigh boots' back in 2016 to claiming that immigrants make the US 'poorer and dirtier and more divided' in 2018 - just to name a couple.

Featured Image Credit: Twitter/@tuckercarlson / Fox News

Topics: Film and TV, Tucker Carlson, US News, Crime