A travel journalist has surprised many by revealing why the 'worst seat on a plane' should always be your first choice.
Whether it's jetting off to somewhere hot for a bit of sea and sun, or the alps for a completely different type of holiday, choosing your seat on a plane is an important decision.
These days, it's not exactly uncommon for airlines to charge passengers for their preferred seat, so it's extra important you pick the right one.
I think the majority are under the impression you don't want to be in the middle seat, while it's also argued being at the front of the plane is a good option.
However, travel expert and journalist John Burfitt has a differing view that will surprise many.

It was one flight that changed the seasoned traveller's view on plane seats, with his favored now being many passengers' 'worst seat' on an aircraft.
"We were en route from Sydney to Los Angeles, and every few minutes, the passenger behind me would cross her legs, stretch out or wriggle about," John wrote for escape.com.au.
"As she did, her knees or feet would smack bang in the middle of my seat. I was jolting my way to the USA."
Nowadays, the travel expert books the window seat at the back of the plane near the toilets.
John wrote: "I decided the back row would be the only place I would sit on a long flight from now on.
"Sure enough, on my next flight, I booked into the back row of the cabin and, even better, my seat was the one right next to the window.
"As I nestled into that corner, I discovered what true airline love is about. I had just found the best seat on the plane."

Of course, you can quickly nip to the toilet from this seat, while John also noted this row sometimes only has two seats, allowing for extra room.
The perks don't stop there however, with John revealing you can recline this seat without having to worry about a fellow passenger sitting behind you.
That doesn't mean the seat is drawback-free though, as John conceded the back of a plane often doesn't have windows.
Those on the back of a plane will know the struggle when only the front doors are used for embarking the aircraft.
So such seat is not advised for those on connecting flights.
Topics: Travel